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- Phylum of of flatworms
- Platyhelminthes
- soft, flattened worms that have tissues and internal organ systems, they have 3 embryonic germ layers, bilateral symmetry, and cephalization
- flatworms
- fluid-filled body cavity that is lined with mesoderm
- coelom
- Why are flatworms known as acoelomates
- no coelom forms between the tissues of flatworms
- TorF flatworms are the simplest animals to have 3 germ layers
- true
- Rely on diffusion for respiratrion and excretion, free living can be carnivores or scavengers, have muscular tube called a pharynx, waste products excreted from the bodies by flame cells, free-living have several ganglia, have eyespots, have cilia on epid
- flatworms
- specialized cells that filter and remove excess water from the body, remove metabolic wastes
- flame cells
- ganglia
- groups of nerve cells, that control the nervous system
- group of cells htat detect changes in light
- eyespots
- hermaphrodite
- individual that has both male and female reproductive organs
- fission
- and animal splits into two and each half grows new parts oto become a complete individual
- flatworms, free-livings, marine or freshwater, mostly bottom dwellers, ex. planarians, vary in coler, form, and size
- Turbellaria
- flukes, parasitic, infect internal organs, life cycle consists of multiple hosts
- Trematoda
- tapeworms, long and flat, parasitic, live in intestines, have scolex and proglottids
- Cestodia
- structure that can contain suckers or hooks to attach to the intestinal wall
- scolex
- proglottids
- segments which make up the worms body
- What are the three classes of flatworms
- Tubellaria, Trematoda, and Cestoda
- slender, unsegmented worms with tapering ends, microscopic to meter in length, mostly free-living, have 3 germ layers, have a pseudocoelom, digestive tract with 2 openings
- roundworms (nemotoda)
- body cavity only partially lined with mesoderm, "false coelom"
- pseudocoelom
- free-living are carnivores, soil and aquatic eat algae, fungi, or decaying matter, use diffusion for resp, circ, and excretion, having several ganglia, repro- sexual seperate mandf, internal fert, para many hosts
- roundworms (nematoda)
- Parasitic roundworms
- trichinosis-causing worms, filarial worms, ascarid worms, and hookworms
- Larvae traviel through the bloodstream and burrow into organs and tissues, causing pain for host, completes cycle when cysts are ate by other animal
- trichinosis-causing worms
- threadlike worms that live in the blood and lymph vessels of birds and mammals, transmitted by biting insects can block the passage of fluids within the lymph vessels, causes elephantiasis
- filarial worms
- cause malnutrition, found in intestines of host, develop in longs then coughed up and swallowed, puppies get wormed for these
- ascarid worms
- eggs hatch and develop in the soil, use teeth and hooks to burrow into skin and enter the bloodstream, suck host's blood
- hookworms
- Phylum of earthorms
- annelida
- ring-like apperance of body segments, segments separated by septa, have setae for movement, have true coelom, tube within a tube digestive tract
- annelids
- internal walls between each segment
- septa
- have a pharynx, carnivorous species have jaws used to attack prey, herbivores have sticky mucus on pharynx, some filter feed, pharynx pumps food into esophagus, have crop and gizzard
- annelids
- circ- closed circulatory system, resp- aqua breathe through gills, land diffusion through skin
- annelids
- excre-produce 2 types of waste, solid through anus, and nitrogen eliminated by nephridia, respon- well developed nerv sys
- annelids
- Move- 2 groups of muscles- longitudinal muscles and circular, marine ones have parapodia for swimming and crawling
- annelids
- repro- sexually, some are hermaphrodites, 2 attach to each other, clitellum
- annelids
- fan water through tubelike burrows and catch food particles in a mucus bag
- filter feeders
- blood is circulated of blood through a network vessels
- closed circulatory system
- gills
- a filamentous organ specialized for the exchange of gases underwater
- excretory organs that filter fluid in the coelom
- nephridia
- longitudinal muscles
- run front to back and can contract to make the worm shorter and fatter
- circular muscles
- wrap around each body segment and can contract to make the worm longer and thinner
- paddlelike appendages used for swimming and crawling
- parapodia
- band of thickened special segments, secretes a mucus ring into which eggs and sperm are released
- clitellum
- three classes of annelids
- oligochaeta, hirudinea, polychaeta
- typically have only a few setae adn live in soil or fresh water, earthworms, tubiflex worms
- oligochaetes
- typically external parasites, suck blood, powerful suckers at both ends of body, use proboscis or jaws to pierce skin
- Hirudinea
- Sandworms, bloodworm, and their relatives, marine have paired, paddlelike appendages tipped with setae, live in cracks and crevices
- polychaetes
- participate in food chains in the sea, and provide passageways for plant roots and water and allow the growth of soil bacteria
- annelids
- Phylum of snails
- Mollusca
- soft-bodied that usually have an internal or external shell, snails, slugs, clams, squids, octopi, many have free-swim larval stage called trochopore
- Mollusca
- free-swimming larval stage of mollusca
- trochophore