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GI and hepatobiliary


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associated with hepatocellular carcinoma
hepB and C Wilson's disease hemochromatosis A1AT deficiency alcoholic cirrhosis carcinogens (aflatoxin in peanuts)
tender hepatomegaly ascites polycythemia hypoglycemia
hepatocellular carcinoma
associated with acute pancreatitis
Gallstones Ethanol Trauma Steroids Mumps Autoimmune disease Scorpion sting HyperCa, hyperlipidemia Drugs (sulfa)
associated with pancreatic adenocarcinoma
inc risk in Jewish or African American males associated with cigarettes (NOT alcohol)
associated with gastric adenocarcinoma
dietary nitrosamines achlorhydria chronic gastritis type A blood
findings in gastric adenocarcinoma
early aggressive local spread! signet ring cells acanthosis nigricans linitis plastica when diffusely infiltrative
risk factors for esophageal cancer
Alcohol/achalasia Barrett's esophagus Cigarettes Diverticuli (Zenker's) Esophageal web (Plummer-Vinson: dysphagia, glossitis, Fe deficiency anemia) Familial
sequelae of acute pancreatitis
DIC, ARDS (pancreatic enzymes act on lung tissue), diffuse fat necrosis, hypoCa (Ca collects in pancreatic Ca soap deposits),pseudocystformation, hemorrhage, infection
ascending cholangitis, bile lakes, bile stasis
secondary biliary cirrhosis due to extrahepatic biliary obstruction inc ALP, inc conjugated BR
increased urine BR, decreased urine urobilinogen
obstructive jaundice
absent urine BR, increased urine urobilinogen
hemolytic jaundice
absent JVD; associated with pregnancy, polycythemia vera, hepatocellular carcinoma
Budd-Chiari syndrome
nerve that runs through parotid gland
Hesselbach's triangle
inf epigastric artery lateral border of rectus abdominis inguinal ligament
between transversalis fascia and parietal peritoneum
inf epigastric vessels median and medial umbilical ligaments
take up glucose and galactose into enterocytes
Na-dependent SGLT1
Where is iron absorbed?
duodenum (Fe2+)
Where is folate absorbed?
meconium ileus
in CF, meconium plug obstructs intestine, preventing stool passage at birth
early bilious vomiting and abd distension
duodenal atresia
tumor marker for CRC and pancreatic CA
tumor marker for pancreatic CA
-tortuous dilation of vessels leads to bleeding -most often in cecum and ascending colon -more common in older pts
fatty liver (microvesicular fatty change), hypoglycemia, coma
Reye's syndrome
migratory thrombophlebitis
pancreatic adenoCA
asterixis basal ganglia degeneration ceruloplasmin dec'd, cirrhosis, corneal deposits, [hepatocellular] carcinoma, choreiform movements dementia hemolytic anemia
Wilson's disease AR, chr 13 tx: penicillamine
FAP with osseous and soft tissue tumors, retinal hyperplasia
Gardner's syndrome
FAP with glioma and/or medullblastoma
Turcot's syndrome
hamartomatous polyps of colon and SI hyperpigmented mouth, lips, hands, genitalia
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome benign polyposis syndrome associated with inc risk of CRC and other visceral malignancies (pancreas, breast, stomach, ovary)
wheezing, R-sided heart murmurs, diarrhea, flushing
carcinoid syndrome
string sign on barium swallow X-ray
Crohn's disease
acute gastritis assoc with burns
Curling's ulcer dec plasma volume leads to sloughing of gastric mucosa
acute gastritis assoc with brain injury
Cushing's ulcer inc vagal stumlation leads to inc acid prodxn
affects stomach body/fundus autoAb to parietal cells pernicious anemia achlorhydria
Type A chronic gastritis
Type B chronic gastritis
affects antrum caused by H. pylori inc risk of MALT lymphoma
gastric hypertrophy atrophy of parietal cells protein loss inc mucous cells
Menetrier's disease precancerous
most common malignant salivary gland tumor
mucoepidermoid carcinoma
most common salivary gland tumor benign painless, movable mass
pleomorphic adenoma
heterotopic salivary gland tumor trapped in LN, surrounded by lymphatic tissue
Warthin's tumor

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