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undefined, object
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gantry does not move during irradiation
segemental IMRT and dynamic IMRT
gantry moves during irradiation
tomo or arc
difference between static/segmental IMRT and dynamic
move't mlcs during irradiation
another term for segemntal IMRT
step/stop and shoot
define sliding window
another term dynamic imrt
describe MiMiC
slit coll added to linac, defines fan beam 20 cm W x 1-4 cm L
define Crane
couch indexing device
describe imat
arc therapy where coll and gantry move to deliver mu. one arc produced each intensity level
typical dose cont from mlcs
why heterogeneity corr more important
more beam directions/localized dose diff and escalated doses
user specifications inverse planning
beam direction/arc angles, target dose goals and constraints
how objectives for dose specified
single dose value, dose volume points, flexible dvhs
stochastic method planning
randomly changing beam intensities to escape local minima
concave shapes and steep dose gradients near OAR results in...
dose inhomogeneity
casting shadow on some beamlets to balance w higher intensity others
define segment
shape of aperture as defined by MLC
examples of biological imaging
which algorithm is example of biological based objective function?
fwd planning
fan beam IMRT is also called...
define beam hold
when dose rate too high for mlcs to reach positions, beam is turned off temp
how compensate for beam penumbra.
fluence intensity target edges enhanced
which ICRU report describes definition PTV?
margins HN
3 mm
margins gyno/prostate
0.5 cm
define SIB
sim integrated boost, diff dose/fx each PTV
as conformity increases, homogeneity
icru report which states deliniation gtv should be ct based
how does integral dose change with increasing energy?

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