Misc from UW 2
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- pseudostratified, ciliated, columnar, mucus-secreting epi in resp tract
- nose, paranasal sinuses, nasopharyn, most of larynx, tracheobronchial tree
- tx for PCP, leishmaniasis, African sleeping sickness
- pentamidine
- stratified squamous epi in resp tract
- oropharynx, laryngopharynx, anterior epiglottis, upper posterior epiglottis, true vocal cords
- tx for Chaga's dz
- nifurtimox
- tx for ascariasis, trichuriasis, hookworm, pinworm
- mebendazole
- tx for onchocerciasis
- ivermectin
- 20-40X risk of ALL
- Down syndrome
- dyspnea and calf swelling
- pulmonary embolism VQ mismatch -- hypoxemia -- hyperV -- resp alkalosis
- very high fever in a smoker diarrhea confusion cough causing CP
- Legionella bacteria often not found in sputum; test for Ag in urine Tx: erythromycin
- AR mutation in gene for dynein
- Kartagener syndrome
- peripheral pancytpenia hypercellular marrow
- myelodysplasia
- acute ab pain peripheral neuropathy hypoNa accumulation of ALA and porphobilinogen
- increased PMNs and decreased EP, BP, lymphs
- glucocorticoid adm
- accentuate the murmur of HCM
- stand up suddenly or Valsalva (increase outflow tract obstruction by decreasing LVEDV)
- hyperkeratotic, hyperpigmented, velvety plaques
- acanthosis nigricans benign - insulin resistance malignant - GI/GU neoplasms, most common cause is gastric adenoCA
- valproate
- inhibits intestinal folic acid absorption, resulting in neural tube defects in babies
- troponin C
- binds Ca tropomyosin moves out of the way so myosin can bind actin
- duodenal atresia
- bilious vomiting on first day of life without abd distention Down syndrome polyhydramnios (dec AF abs by intestine)
- Ebstein's anomaly
- mothers take lithium early in pregnancy atrialization of right ventricle (downward displacement of tricuspid valve)
- cat scratch dz bacillary angiomatosis in immunocompromised culture negative endocarditis
- Bartonella hensellae
- malignant otitis externa
- P. aeruginosa
- Reiter syndrome
- Chlamydia, Campylobacter, Yersinia, Salmonella, Shigella
- E. coli O157:H7 triad: hemolytic anemia renal insufficiency thrombocytopenia
- phenelzine, tranylcypromine
- MAOIs can be used to treat atypical depression: -mood reactivity -leaden fatigue -rejection sensitivity -inc sleep and appetite
- common precursor of ACTH and beta-endorphin
- terbinafine
- inhibit squalene epoxidase --> inhibit synthesis of ergosterol
- annular scaling plaques with raised erythematous edges and central clearing
- tinea corporis
- effective in dermatophytosis
- terbinafine griseofulvin - binds microtubules and disrupts mitotic spindle
- caspofungin
- block synthesis of B(1,3)-D-glucan, which is a part of Candida and Aspergillus cell walls
- antimetabolite used to treat systemic fungal infxns
- flucytosine
- ectopia lentis mental retardation Marfanoid habitus osteoporosis vascular problems
- homocystinuria cystathionine B synthase deficiency
- hemorrhagic mediastinitis bloody pleural effusions septic shock death
- pulmonary anthrax
- D-glutamate capsule medusa-head chains under microscope
- B. anthracis
- What is the best way to present neonatal tetanus (presents as rigidity, spasms)?
- maternal immunization with tetanus toxoid
- pharynx --> blood --> choroid plexus --> meninges
- N. meningitidis
- pharynx --> lymphatics --> meninges
- H. influenzae
- traumatic injury --> leaking CSF --> meninges
- S. aureus
- Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome
- fulminant meningococcemia bilateral adrenal hemorrage --> adrenal insufficiency, hypoTN, death
- erythema infectiosum
- -parvovirus B19 (NONENVELOPED, SSDNA) -resp transmission -slapped cheeks -lace-like rash on trunk and extremities
- roseola infantum
- -HHV-6 -maculopapular rash starts on trunk
- rubella
- -occipital and posterior cervical lymphadenopathy -rash starts from head "rub your head"
- scarlet fever
- -GAS -sore throat -erythematous macular sandpaper like rash
- inhibits ACh release
- botulinum toxin
- inhibits GABA and glycine release from inhibitory interneurons of spinal cord
- tetanospasmin
- enzymes in heme biosynthesis pathway most sensitive to lead toxicity
- delta-ALA-dehydratase ferrochelatase delta-ALA and protoporphyrin IX accumulate
- killed vaccines or components
- -rabies, HepA -only induce humoral immunity
- live attenuated vaccines
- -MMR -both CMI and humoral immunity
- leukocyte IFN-a
- HepB and C, hairy cell leukemia, condyloma acuminatum, Kaposi's sarcoma
- classic triad of congenital rubella
- -cataracts -hearing loss -PDA
- When do you test for GBS?
- 35th-37th wks give penicillin, amoxicillin
- lymph drainage of prostate
- internal iliac nodes
- lymph drainage of upper bladder
- external iliac nodes
- superficial inguinal nodes
- drain skin from umbilicus to feet, incl. anus, NOT incl posterior calf
- lymph drainage of sigmoid colon
- inferior mesenteric nodes
- course of rabies
- 1. flu-like prodrome 2. acute neuro syndrome - high fevers, agitation, confusion, dysphagia 3. flaccid paralysis, coma
- 1. hyperthermia 2. extreme generalized rigidity 3. autonomic instability 4. altered mental status
- thiamine is a cofactor for
- -a-ketoglutarate DH -pyruvate DH -transketolate
- Wernicke's encephalopathy
- -thiamine deficiency in alcoholics -ataxia -confusion -ophthalmoplegia
- abnl fibrillin-1 monomeres disrupt polymerization
- Marfan syndrome
- delta F508
- abnl protein folding and failure of glycosylation, resulting in CF
- most common cause of hydatid cyst
- Echinococcus granulosus -endemic in Mediterranian, ME, S. America, Iceland, Africa, Australia, New Zealand -also in S and W US, sheep and dogs -most frequently affects liver, but also lung, muscle, bone -tx: mebendazole, albendazole
- perilymph
- scala vestibuli, scala tympani high Na content
- endolymph
- scala media high K content
- base of tectorial membrane
- high frequency sounds
- adduction of humerus
- lat dorsi
- abduction of humerus
- supraspinatus, deltoid
- medial rotation of humerus
- subscapularis
- surgery on ant thyroid artery can damage which nerve?
- external branch of superior laryngeal n innervates cricothyroid m.
- sensory innervation below vocal cords
- recurrent laryngeal n.
- somatic sensory of ant 2/3 of tongue
- V3 via lingual n.
- pelvic splanchnic nerves
- S2-S4, Psym to hindgut and pelvic regions pelvic plexus stimulates detrusor muscle and inhibits internal sphincter, allows you to pee!
- cauda equina lesions that damage sacral micturition center
- bladder hypotonia, hyporeflexia OVERFLOW INCONTINENCE
- inhibit detrusor
- T11-L2 sym neurons
- pudendal n.
- S2-S4 perineum, genitals, VOLUNTARY ctrl of sphincters
- simultaneously increases myocardial contractility and renal blood flow
- dopamine D1>B1>a1
- precipitating factors of G6PD deficiency anemia
- -infections -drugs: TMP-SMX, dapsone, bactrim, nitrofurantoin, anti-malarials -DKA -favism
- pentamidine
- ivermectin
- onchocerciasis
- nifurtimox
- Chaga's dz (Trypanosoma cruzi)
- metronidazole
- Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica, Trichomonas vaginalis