Cultural Anth Final
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- How did Tyler study religions?
- Comparison; "comparitive religions"
- How did Wallace define religion?
- Belief and ritual concerned with supernatural beings, powers, and forces
- What 5 things do almost all religions share?
- Creation story, people of the earth,catastrophe, all-powerful God(s), and a hero
- What 4 things does religion provide?
- Story of origin, explanation of the supernatural, common beliefs system, and adaptation to environment
- Why is it difficult to escape the classifications of race?
- humans have been classifying information for centuries; simplifies the world
- Humans share how much DNA in common?
- over 99%
- What is a monotheistic religion?
- Belief in 1 anthropomorphic God, and a professional priesthood, usually in state societies
- What's an olympian religion?
- Ranked heirarchy of anthropomorphic Gods, full time priesthood; found in state societies and high level chiefdoms
- Define a communal religion.
- Has zoomorphic gods that control nature, & community rituals; found in Chiefdoms and food producing societies
- What's a world-rejecting religion?
- Gives up on the day-to-day world and focuses on the spiritual
- What's a shamanic religion?
- Has zoomorphic nature gods; found in hunter-gatherer societies and nomadic
- What's a revitalization movement?
- an attempt to improve life through religion for their followers
- What's a synretic religion?
- combines 2 or more religions
- Transnationalism, relating to Music leads to what?
- diversity
- How many cultures have monostylistic music?
- very few
- what's acculturation as it relates to music?
- the extent to which musical forms have been transformed by outside influences
- What's an ethnomusicologist?
- someone who studies and interprets the role of music in its cultural setting
- Where was "Buena Vista Social Club" set?
- Havana, Cuba
- Who's Compay Segundo?
- Singer, was looking for the remnants of the club at the start of the movie
- Who's Eliades Ochoa Bustamente?
- Guitar player and singer; started playing music after his parents
- Who's Ibrahim Ferrer Planas?
- Black singer, did duets with Omara, sleeping lilies etc.
- Who was Omara Portuondo?
- Singer, did duets with Ibrahim, father played baseball, and her parents sang together.
- Who was Ruben Gonzalez y Fontanills?
- Ridiculous piano player, studied w/ Arsenio (blind guy) for 4 years, his mother payed for his lessons
- Who was Orlando "Chachaito" Lopez?
- Bass player since age 9
- Who is Amadito Valdes?
- Percussionist, influenced by his father.
- Who was Manuel "Guajiro" Mirabal Vazquez?
- Trumpet player for 47 years, made famous by the social club
- Who was Barbaro Alberto "Barbarito" Torres Delgado
- Plays the laud
- Who was Pio Leyva?
- Vocalist who sang cuban island music, "cuban highlander"
- Who was Manuel "Puntillita" Licea?
- Vocalist who travelled alot
- Who was Juan de Marcos Gonzalez?
- DId promotions for the group; had an ear for music.