Semester Review Hist 1302
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- Who was the first women in the president's cabinet and what was her job?
- Frances Perkins; Secretary of Labor
- What were the consequences of the Social Security Act of 1935?
- It started the American version of the welfare state
- When did the US enter WWII?
- December 7, 1941- when Pearl Harbor was bombed by the Japanese
- How did women serve in WWII?
- Women's Army Corps, 200k joined
- What president served throughout most of WWII, and why did he not see it through?
- Franklin D Roosevelt; died from a massive stroke at the war's end on April 12, 1945
- In World War II the US fought what group and who was it composed of?
- Axis Powers; Germany, Italy Japan
- Why did Roosevelt refer to WWII as the "war of smokestacks?"
- Industrial production was the key to victory
- How many casualties did America have in WWII?
- almost 1 million
- In 1950, the UN condemned what invasion and requested what in response?
- The invasion of South Korea by N Korea; asked member states to contribute men and arms
- The Bay of Pigs incident and the Cuban Missile Crisis occurred under what pres?
- Kennedy
- The civil rights act of 1964 made it a federal crime to discriminate in what places?
- public accommodation
- What was the Tet Offensive?
- A major communist attack against the US and S Vietnam; it failed
- What were 4 important civil rights leaders?
- Malcolm X, MLK Jr., Booker T Washington, and W.E.B. DuBois
- The watergate scandal occurred under what pres?
- Nixon
- The time period after the Civil War is known as what?
- the reconstruction era
- Most immigrants to the US during the late 19th and 20th century came from where?
- Eastern and Southern Europe
- In 1884 the railroad corporations did what that increased the centralization of American life via industrialization?
- Set all clocks to a standard time
- In the late nineteenth century, which employed more, the railroad or the fed gv't?
- railroad
- Eugene V Debs created what party, and suggested that American businesses should be organized how?
- Socialist Party; ownership by the gv't
- A poor wheat farmer in Nebraska in the 1890's would have been in what party most likely?
- Populist Party
- What was the "spark" that ignited the Spanish American war?
- USS Maine
- What was the primary theater of operations in the Spanish-American War?
- Cuba
- From 1899-1902, the US fought a guerrilla war against who?
- Philippines; we won
- What is the name of the 20th century middle class reform movement?
- Progressivism
- Who was one of the leaders in the "settlement house movement" and what was it?
- Jane Addams; men and women of "goodwill" attempted to aid poor urban dwellers
- What was approved in 1913 that enabled the drastic alteration of American gv't?
- 3/4 of the states gave the fed gv't power to tax individual incomes
- What ignited WWI in 1914
- Archduke Ferdinand, heir to the Austria-Hungary empire, was assassinated by Gavrilo Princip
- Who was president during the WWI?
- Woodrow Wilson
- The US contributed how much in its participation in WWI from 1917 to 1918?
- contributed significantly to allied victory
- Immigration to the US was heavily restricted in what time period?
- 1920's to 1960's
- What was the John Scopes "Monkey Trial?"
- A teacher at a Tennessee public high school attempted to teach the theory of human evolution
- What was Roosevelt's plan to end the Great Depression?
- the New Deal