undefined, object
copy deck
- Poppelreuter 1917
- first observation, said was like normal mechanism to compensate, led to not noticing
- Helmholtz 1924
- also suggested like blind spot filling in
- Fuchs 1920-24
- found that didnt complete complex shapes only regular simple symmetrical shapes therefore suggest that these shapes when completed lead to symmetrical well balanced config like gesalt...... 5 cases
- pollack et al 1957
- 23 cases found that completion was related to 'mental deterioration' but no criteria given for how judged
- Williams and Gassel 1962
- - tested completion of face even with cardboard there still completed therefore could do complex but cudnt garuntee fixation plus face is something we see as whole all the time
- Williams and Gassel 1963
- mayb just expectation r bad fixation
- Warrington, 1962
- 26 cases, did simp and comp and partial and complete and tacho present - found that of the 13 who with pari 11 completed and none who completed didnt have pari damage, and proso approached sig, but no link to mental deteriation - suggest not normal mecha because on appears with certain brain pathologies
- bender and tueber
- did seem to find with 5 cases that only veridical completion
- torjussen, 1978
- did after image therefore no eye move did partial to rule out reisd and just in right to rule out off fix - found only reported wat was their therefore suggested the intact mid brain mechanisms works to help see what is on the other side if something falls on it to facilitate mirror symetrical detection
- Pietersen, 1980
- found that when quickly displayed and had to report word could but not case therefore not paying attention to exact appearence
- Sergent, 1988
- did snellen to check fixation - 2-3 degree off, and suggest dont use verb, also used partial so not resid - nly two completed with controls and were mental deterioration and resid vision but all did when none - suggest that beh deficits e.g. fixation, agnos and mental deteriation interact with badly designed studies
- Richards, 1973
- if placed a ber in blind field in symmetrical position to the good side then the two would interact
- Halligan and Marshall, 1994
- Patient who had object based neglect, did not complete when had to copy picture nefin on left side, but when eyes closed put both in right side, could answer questions and when told to look noticed - suggested like IC or an artists sketch, or amodal completion in which conceptual knowledge of what should be there induced by what is there leads to completion
- Kavacs et al 1995
- in monkeys IT cells which respond to whole, partial or occluded objects and which less activity if more occluded
- hornak 1995
- suggested that completion completion in object based neglect led to them not noticing that they had missed the other side
- walker and young 1996
- RR look at saccades and found that only if in right did not look left but could look left therefore not prob in saccade also because only 52% prob means not actual completion but because of inattention just might not notice the presence/absence
- walker and mattingley, 1997
- did a review and suggested much same a sergent for hemia and for neglect could be that as a result of unawareness dont notice the missing info or conceptual filling in or an interaction - extended heminopic completion and said that prob in hemia if veridical then because of top down activity in intact side whicc signals whole shape - facilitates seeing on other side or bottom up
- McCarthy et al 2006
- said only few cases and not rigourously tested so can conclude not evi of comp but not that it is not the case - found POV who had homo hemia and didnt have neglect complete both if slightly overlaps boundary - completes both form and surface - may be that constructive part which signals the likely form when is an occluder (scotoma) is unconstrained by sensory compnent which usually defines the boundaries - soa pattern masking, poor viewing conditions and poor attention leads to disruption of contructive process
- Weili et al 2009
- looked in fMRI and saw activity when complete RH lateral occipital complex which is role in shape percept, also suggest that reason not everyone becasue not complete loss of input from the earlier coritcal areas in order for later areas to unopposed create a perception of a whole like that involved in IC and occlusion
- Dennet (1991)
- Suggested the blind spot filling in is a consequence of the brain ignoring the missing information