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Intensities: Spin Forbidden- Laporte Allowed- Symmetry allowed (CT)- Laporte forbidden -
<1 ca. 250 1000-50000 20-100
LMCT (property of metal and ligands)
Metal: high oxidation state ligand: contain nonbonding electrons
MLCT (property of metal and ligands)
Metal: low ox state Ligand: haev low-lying acceptor orbitals
Selection rules: Spin - Laporte -
spin: must maintain spin, or transitions will be very weak. laporte- g to g is forbidden
emission btw two states of same spin multiplicity
emission btw an excited state and ground state of diff multiplicities (diff spins) AKA luminescence!
Internal Conversion
non-radiative conversion between states of same spin manifold
intersystem crossing
non-radiative conversion btw states of different spin multiplicity
CT Luminescence
long lived emission occurs from states of diff multiplicty than the ground state.
three common jahn teller cases:
high spin d4 low spin d7 d9
the bulkier the ligand, the...
bigger the cone angle
pi backbonding
Electrons from the metal are used to bond to the ligand, in the process relieving the metal of excess negative charge.
Fischer carbenes (4)
singlet electron poor found with: low oxidation state metals, middle and late TM, pi electron acceptor metal ligands.
Schrock (3)
triplet electron rich found with: high oxidation state metals, early TM,

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