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- psychological contract
- the overall set of expectations held by an individual with respect to what he or she will contribute to the organization and what the organization will provide in return.
- contributions
- What the individual provides to the organization.
- Inducements
- what the organization provides to the individual
- Individual differences
- personal attributes that vary from one person to another.
- personality
- the relatively permanent set of psychological and behavioral attributes that distinguish one person from another.
- big five personality traits
- a popular personality framework based on five key traits
- agreeableness
- a person's ability to get along with others.
- conscientiousness
- the number of goals on which a person focuses
- negative emotionality
- extent to which a person is poised, calm, resilent, and secure.
- extraversion
- a person's comfort level with relationships
- openness
- a person's rigidty of beliefs and range of interest.
- locus of control
- the degree to which an individual believes that his or her behavior has a direct impact on the consequences of that behavior
- self-efficacy
- an individual's beliefs about her or his capabilities to perform a task.
- authoritarianism
- the extent to which an individual believes that power and status differences are appropriate within hierarchial social systems like organizations
- machiavellianism
- behavior directed at gaining power and controlling the behavior of others.
- self -esteem
- the extent to which aq person believes that he or she is a worthwhile and deserving individual
- risk propensity
- the degree to which an individual is willing to take chances and make risky decisions
- emotional intelligence EQ
- the extent to which people are silf - aware, mange their emotions, motivate themselves, express empathy for others, and possess social skills.
- attitudes
- complexes of beliefs and feelings that people have about specific ideas, situations, and other people.
- cognitive dissonance
- caused when an individual has conflicting attitudes
- job satisfaction or dissatisfaction
- an attitude that reflects the extent to which an individual is gratified by or fulfilled in his or her work.
- organizational commitment
- an attitude that reflects an individual's identification with and attachment to the organization itself.
- positive affectivity
- a tendency to be relatively upbeat and optimistic, have an overall sense of well-being, see things in a positive light, and seem to be in a good mood
- negative affectivity
- a tendency to be generally downbeat and pessmistic, see things in a negative way, and seem to be in a bad mood.
- perception
- the set of processes by which an individual becomes aware of and interprets information about the environment.
- selective perception
- the process of screening out information that we are uncomfortable with or that contradicts our beliefs.
- stereotyping
- the process of categorizing or labeling people on the basis of a single attribute
- attribution
- the process of observing behavior and attributing causes to it
- stress
- an individual's response to a strong stimulus which is called a stressor
- general adaptation syndrome GAS
- general cycle of the stress process
- type A
- individuals who are extremely conpetitive, very devoted to work, and have a strong sense of time urgency.
- type B
- individuals who are less competitive, less devoted to work, and have a weaker sense of time urgency.
- burnout
- a feeling of exhaustion that may develop when someone experiences too much stress for an extended period of time
- creativity
- the ability of an individual to generate new ideas or to concieve of new persepectives on exisiting ideas.
- workplace behavior
- a pattern of action by the members of an organization that directly or indirectly influences organizational effectiveness
- performance behaviors
- the total set of work-related behaviors that the organization expects the individual to display
- absenteeism
- when an individual does not show up for work
- turnover
- when people quit their jobs
- organizational citizenship
- the behavior of individuals that makes a positive overall contribution to the organization
- dysfunctional behaviors
- those that detract from , rather than contribute to, organizational performance