womens health
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- is the leading cause of death in the U.S.
- Heart disease
- Three important elements bring about your state of well-being:
- Mind -psyche-emotional, attitudinal, mental Body -Soma, physical status Spirit Philosophy about living with yourself and living with others
- Factors that influence your status as a whole person:
- Endogenous -events that occur within you Exogenous -external events that influence you
- Holistic Wellness Model (2)
- Personal component -striving for the satisfaction of your own personal needs Spiritual component -striving for a relationship with other persons and things Not a mandate, but a guide for living
- There are three forms of health interventions:
- education, prevention,treatment
- Primary reinforcers can be
- positive, negative, and punishment
- Resistance to change is often a result of
- the existence of secondary reinforcers
- Self-Efficacy
- The conviction that one can successfully execute the behavior or behaviors required to produce desired outcomes A strong sense of self-efficacy is essential for the promotion of healthy behavior change.
- Managing lifestyle changes can occur through a self-help plan which involves 3 steps:
- Personal Inventory (evaluation of personal health) Helpful Attitude (consider this a permanent change that promotes realism) Plan of Action
- Dietary Guidelines for Americans provides ten recommendations, grouped into 3 areas known as the ABC’s of good health
- Aim for Fitness (be more active) Build a Healthy Base (eat fewer calories) Choose Sensibly (make better decisions)
- Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs)
- are standards set by the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Sciences
- Carbohydrates
- Function – energy Includes starches, sugars, and fiber Found in foods that come from plants
- Carbohydrate found in whole grains, vegetables, fruits Soluble-improves your blood cholesterol Insoluble-adds bulk to stools
- Protein
- Function - growth/maintenance of tissue Americans take in more protein than they need
- Fats---Makes food taste good
- Known as “lipids†Function - insulation, carrier of vitamins, storage of long-term energy, and satiety Types - saturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated Linked with heart disease, cancer, and obesity Keep total intake of fats between 20-35% of calories with most sources coming from unsaturated sources
- What are TRANS FATS?
- This is a process where manufacturers pump hydrogen into vegetable oils to produce hydrogenated oil Trans fat has been associated with increasing LDL’s in the bloodstream
- Vitamins
- Organic compounds needed in small amounts for normal growth, reproduction, and maintenance of health
- What are Anti-Oxidants?
- Vitamins C, E, and beta-carotene are known anti-oxidants May prevent/slow the development of cancer May help ward off other diseases such as “age-related changes†Protects cells against damage by oxygen molecules called “free radicalsâ€.
- Minerals
- Inorganic materials act as structural elements and regulator of numerous body processes
- Calcium
- 99% of calcium in a woman’s body is found in bone Osteoporosis (demineralization of bone) is a serious threat to 44 million Americans
- Iron
- Iron helps build certain enzymes and proteins in the body Humans need 10-12 mg of iron/day to manufacture hemoglobin
- Water
- Over half the body’s weight is composed of water Function – provides medium for nutrients, waste transport, temperature control
- These are substances in plant food that act on the body’s physiology in some positive way
- Natural vs. Organic Foods
- Organic foods are grown without the use of commercial chemicals Natural foods contain no additives and requires only minor processing during growth and marketing procedures
- Basal metabolic rate
- Amount of energy you need to maintain your body functions
- Cocaine and Crack
- Cocaine comes from a plant, Erythroxylon coca which produces an exhilarating effect Crack is a rock-like substance, resulting from mixing cocaine with baking soda or ammonia.
- Heroin
- is a very addictive, semisynthetic narcotic produced from chemically changed morphine Produces a dream-like state and creates a strong physical and psychological dependency
- Methadone
- is a synthetic narcotic , intended to be a legal replacement for heroin or morphine
- Amphetamines and Methamphetamines
- Stimulants, produced synthetically, increases the activity of the CNS
- Meth
- Meth releases high levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine which stimulates brain cells, enhancing mood and body movement.
- Date rape drugs:
- GHB Ketamine Rohypnol
- The number of women who contract HIV is increasing at a rate almost 4 times faster than men
- Health care providers included a variety of medical practitioners which are divided into 3 groups:
- Independent practitioners who have been trained and licensed e.g. medical physicians, nurse practitioners Independent practitioners with restricted practices e.g. podiatrists, dentists, optometrists, mental health therapists Ancillary practitioners who practice only under the supervision of a medical practitioner e.g. physical therapist, midwife, physician’s assistant
- Complementary and Alternative Medicine
- Also known as CAM, has been defined as a group of diverse medical and health care systems, practices, and products that are not considered to be part of conventional Western medicine
- The FDA defines health quackery as
- the promotion of a medical remedy that does not work and has been known to be unproven
- Women are twice as likely as men to be clinically depressed
- Depression affects 15% of the population
- There are 3 basic insurance plans
- Private, fee for service plan Preferred providers organizations (PPO) Prepaid group insurance Health maintenance organizations (HMO) Government financed insurance Medicare (paid by Social Security benefits) Medicaid
- Intensity
- This is How Hard you should engage in the aerobic activity. Intensity is determined by the number of times the heart beats in 1 minute during any given activity
- Strength
- ability to contract skeletal muscle to engage in work (force x 1)
- Endurance
- ability for muscle group to function over a period of time (force/time)
- 3 Types of Training Modes
- Isometric (static contractions) Progressive/Isotonic (full range of motion, concentric and eccentric resistance) Isokinetic (speed accommodates the movement of the exercises – computerized dynamometers
- Kegel Exercises
- Movements that help strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor, aiding support of the fetus
- Compulsive Exercise
- The need to engage in fitness activities beyond the normal standards of good health
- Pulmonary Emphysema
- (destruction of the alveoli) is a lung disease that reduces air exchange