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Memory Sins 2


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3 categories of memory sins:
transience, absent mindendness, blocking

misattribution, suggestibility, bias


Transience power function:
you forget at first and then it levels off
What is the difference between availbility and accessiblity?
availability is if the memory even exists and accessiblitity is whether one can access the memory (perhaps the right cue isn't used)
Adaptive qualities to transience?
forgetting things that are irrelevant can lead to better memory for things that are relevant
What is absent mindedness?
forgetting due to attention problems
At encoding why might one forget? 2 things
deep vs shallow processing - less likely to remember shallow processing or change blindness - don't pay attention to subtle changes
Blocking and TOT:
cannot produce word, but have a strong subjective feeling of knowning it = sometimes produce incorrect items: "ugly stepsisters"
blocking could be because of __ or __ __
competition or weak links
example of blocking TOT and weak links:
info track through the stonger links first in hopes of getting to the weaker links - TOT thru spread activation but something is blocking retrieval of what you want
competition and TOT:
it is a byprouct and have active inhibition/competition for the weaker links - activation is spread to the wrong things, have to way for it to subside to find the right activation
Example of retrieval inhibition:
Test 1: recall as many amusing animals as possible
Test 2: recall as many pictures of possible
Recall of fear animals was impaired b/c have part of the pictures (amusing ones) but this impairs retrieval of the fear animals

Retrieval inhibition and part set cueing for converstation:
forget what you want to say in a convo because other related info gets in the way
pros and cons blocking:
pro: inhibits irrelevant info
con: not always a good judge at waht is/isn't going to be relevant later on
3 types of misattribution:
1. cryptomnesia: think you've come up with something but have not
2. think one person said it, but a different person really did
3. surely this must have happened - feel like fact is true - just feel like it's true

PFC used for:
monitoring - controls false memories, knows that false memories may occur so PFC monitors to pick the right things
Hippocampus/MTL for misattribution:
Rely on associations for false memories - associations lead astray
primary visual cortex for missatribution:
perceputal info not as strong for things imagnined as things actually seen
what is suggestibility?
When you incorporate info from others into your own memory
an example of suggestability?
Childhood memories - claim to remember soemthing that happened to you when little, in fact it's just incorporating what others said into your own memory
Consistency Bias:
change memories of attitudes to reflect later outcomes - "I knew it all along!"
Implicit theories:
I think i'm much different now that I was in the past
Example of bias:
w/ implicit theories - exercise programs: think were so much worse than actually were before started
Misattribution, suggestibility and bias are byproducts of what 3 things?
1. efficincy: often don't pay attn to info about source unless think it'll be important
2. gist vs verbatim: focus on big ideas not details
3. knowledge/schemas: guide memory, but can also lead astray

Definition and example of persistance:
a memory you just cannot get rid of
Jury duty: someone says something that is supposed to be dismissed but cannot stop thinking about it!
Why do people tend to focus on negative aspects of emotion?
Remembering some traumatic events may be good for survival

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