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Attitude object
The object or thing that one forms an attitude about
Aversive racism
A type of racism in which the individual believes they are nonprejudiced but they still have negative feelings about they outgroup
Chronic outgroup affect
One’s stable feeling towards the outgroup
Dissociation model
A model created by Patricia Devine that states there is no correlation between explicit measures of prejudice and implicit stereotyping or prejudice in individuals with low levels of prejudice because they can control it with no problem. But in High prejudice people there is a correlation to their explicit and implicit.
Episodic outgroup affect
One’s emotional reaction to a specific member of the outgroup and how it can have an effect on future interactions with someone of that outgroup to assume how it will go
Explicit memory
Conscious recollection of memories. Episodic memory that is stored in long term memory and can be recalled.
Implicit memory
An Unintentional, nonconscious form of memory. Stimuli can be perceived without awareness and this information can later influence thoughts, feelings and behaviours.
Implicit stereotyping
When exposure to prior stereotype relevant information or past experiences with an outgroup can later influence one’s attitudes, feelings and behaviour toward the outgroup.
Incidental affect
Emotions that arise in situations unrelated to the intergroup context
Integral affect
Emotions that originate within the intergroup situation and involves the stereotyped outgroup. This type of affect can also arise from merely thinking about the outgroup.
Stereotype suppression
The conscious effort to avoid thinking about stereotypes that results in a rebound effect.
Perception of a stimulus without conscious awareness of perceiving the stimulus
Who is an example of someone that subtypes?
Don Cherry
What did the Bodenhausen study of stereotyping saving energy reveal?
It revealed that having stereotype labels on people helped participants recall the stereotypical information about the individuals as well as the neutral information (broad things) therefore saving energy
What did the study about the size and value of coins reveal?
It revealed that kids that were poor associated a bigger coin with more value, but richer kids didn’t have this association.
What was the study about the size and value of coins proving?
It proved that the world appears in the way we are or want to see it showing CONFIRMATION BIAS
When we see prejudice often what are we able to notice?
We are able to notice the contempt in people’s faces quicker.
What did the study of the evolving black and white faces reveal?
It revealed that prejudices white participants were quicker to notice anger in the black male’s face
Give 2 examples of studies with the self fulfilling prophecy?
The study with the teacher being told certain students will do well so she helped them more.

The study where an employer treated interviewees as black and they did poorly on their interview.

What do self fulfilling prophecies do in the psychology of prejudice?
They lead to attitudes of the person discriminated against to act in accordance with one the beliefs of the discriminator
Name a type of motivation to be prejudiced?
To make yourself feel good when you feel threatened

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