Rad Onc 4
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- Describe the conventional dose fractionation for paranasal carcinoma.
- 50 Gy with GTV boost of 60-65 Gy depending on surgical margins. Up to 70 Gy with radiation alone.
- Describe the parotid gland.
- Largest salivary gland, drains to ipsilateral jugular node
- Describe the conventional dose fractionation for treatment of the parotid gland.
- 55-60 Gy for complete resection, otherwise boost to 65 Gy
- What are the primary lypmhatics at risk for spread in breast cancer?
- axillary, internal mammary, transpectoral
- What 7 nodal groups are included in the mantle field?
- Cerival, mandib., axial, supra and infra clav,medistinal, hilar
- What is the prognosis for brain stem glioma?
- 5 yr survival 15-20%
- What is the std dose fx for brain stem gliomas?
- 50-55 Gy
- What is the most common malignant brain tumor of childhood and age on onset?
- medulloblastomas, 5-7 years
- What is the most common type of benign brain tumor?
- meningioma
- Beginning Vertebral Level of rectum
- S3
- Conventional radiation technique and dose fx for bladder cancer
- Four field box technique. 30 Gy pre op to 68.4 Gy radiation alone
- Nodes commonly involved in testicular cancer
- ipsilateral and contralateral
- Most common site bloodborne mets from rectal, pancreatic, esophogeal malignancies.
- Liver