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Inflammation of the foreskin

.. can cause fibrosis, or phimosis

Carcinoma In Situ (Bowen\'s Disease/Erythroplasia of Queyrat)
associated with invasive carcinoma
Condylomata Acuminata
(Venereal Warts)

Increase risk of anal carcinomal if anus involved.

Cervical dysplasia +/- carcinoma in infected women

Inflammation of epididymis and/or testes

E. coli, Klebsiella, Strep., Pseudo Viral (mumps) Trauma

Fournier\'s Gangrene

Crepitance due to air in soft tissue (from gas forming organisms), testes spared. CT can see air

Predisposing: DM, alcoholism, malnutrition

ABX and remove ALL infected fascia immediately

..can cause death

Herpes Simplex
Viral infection involving type 1/2 herpes

Asymptomatic viral shedding persists 3 months post acute clinical presentation

- can cause infant death if mother has active lesions

Herpes Zoster
Dermatomal distribution of painful vesicles due to varicella virus

tx: gamma globulin and steroids

may be associated with underlying malignancy

Serous fluid accumulation between parietal and visceral layers of tunical vaginalis w/in scrotum

transiluminate when large

tx: hydrocelectomy (best).. risk infection with aspiration

Sharply defined white plaque

Tx: eliminate source of irritation

Possibly premalignant

Meatal Stenosis
Due to infection, diaper rash in circumcised infants
Inability to replace foreskin over glans after retraction

Due to Phimosis

Penile Carcinoma
Squamous cell type = most common

mass or ulceration failing to heal

Due to chronic irritation from smegma, viral (HPV 16)

Can cause penile loss and death

Peyronie\'s Disease
Curvature of penis during erection

..due to aquired fibrous plaque formation at corpora

Tx: verapamil, K+, PABA

Inability to retract foreskin proximal to corona of glans

Tx with circumcision

Can cause balanitis, UTI, increased risk of paraphimosis or penile carcinoma

Prolonged penile erection (not associated with arousal)

corpus spongiosum spared (cavernosa engorged)

Due to neurologic dz, leukemia, sickle cell disease, drugs (like trazodone)

Low flow - hypoxic, damaging, black blood - need angiocath + irrigate (with dilute phenylephrine)

Pruritic popular dermatitis

Papules with central crustin

Caused by mite (sarcoptes scabies)

Tx: 5% permethrin cream

Cystic mass containing sperm .. separate from testes

Transiluminates when large. Use US

Caused by rupture of vas or epididymis

No tx unless symptomatic

Testicular carcinoma
Peaks at 15-35 (young cancer)

Germ cell tumors are majority


Increased risk in those w/ history of cryptochidism

((DO not biopsy via scrotal approach!)

Tinea Cruris
Fungal dermatitis at inner thigh and groin regions

\"jock itch\"

Dilation of pampiniform plexus (90% left sided)

..If it occurs on R side, need to R/O retroperitoneal mass!

Grade 1: palpable with valsalva
2: palpable w/o valsalva
3: visible through scrotal skin

Tx: spermatic vein ligation

Ectopic Sebaceous Glands
*Variants of normal*
Hirsutoid Papillomas
*Variant of Normal*

- pearly penile papules

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