Vegitative Warfare
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- What kind of cells do plants have circulating in them?
- Name two invading pathogens that plants deal with:
- Bacteria and Fungi
- How many protection strategies do plants have?
- Dos
- What does the first protection plan plants have?
- Different molecules recognize and suppress the alien pathogen.
- What is the second protection mechanism plants use?
- A sequence of arms-race operatives against pathogens that outwitted the first responders.
- What pathogen caused the Irish potato famine?
- Blight(spoils and harms growth)
- In 1999 stem rust fungus outwitted what where?
- It infected wheat in Uganda, but spead to Ethiopia, Sudan, and Iran.
- What fungus infected Uganda in 1999?
- Stem rust fungus
Name a common way that pathogens make their way inside a plant
- Squeezing through a open stomata
- What is a stomata?
- It\'s the pores that plants use to exchange gases.
- How does Pseudomonas syringae bacteria make it\'s way into a plant?
- The proteins found in this bacteria help freeze the water on the surface of leaves causing cells to burst.
- What is appressoria, and what pathogen uses this method?
- Appressoria is turgur pressure that pushes the fungi pathogen into the plant.
- What type of machinery breaks down plant cell walls?
- Enzymatic
- Name the first receptor protein involved in plant immunity
- Xa21
- Who founded Xa21?
- Pamela Ronald in 1995.
- Where was Xa21 found?
- Rice
- What does Xa21 do?
- It recognizes a short peptide that many bacteria use to communicate.
- Chitin is a long-chain polymer of _____________.
- N-acetylglucosamine
- Where is Chitin found?
- The cell walls of fungi
- What is MAMP?
- Microbe Associated Molecular Patterns
- What is PAMP?
- Pathogen Associated Molecular Patterns
- What are PAMP and MAMP?
- They\'re the first line of defense plant receptors.
- What system recognizes invasion?
- Innate System
- What substance sends out signals to warn a plant of an intruder?
- Azelaic Acid
- What happens after Azelaic Acid sends it\'s signal?
- The plant accumulates salicylic acid.
- Besides being a signal for defense, humans also use Azelaic acid for what?
- Acne
- Azelaic acid is a group of what type of acid?
- dicarboxylic acid
- In what plants is Azelaic acid found?
- Wheat, rye and barley.
- How does the innate system suppress the growth of microorganisms?
- Unknown
- Second line of defense consist of?
- Microbial enemies artillery
- What happens when a pathogen enters a plant cell?
- Releases dozens of diff. molecules peptides Bomb the plant cell
- When pathogens first enter the plant cell their aim is to?
- Disable Innate Immunity
- What is secretory output pathways?
- Shutting down a plants ability to export proteins
- Who figured out the secretory output pathway?
- Yang He at Michigan State University
- Bacteria Flagella is?
- The protein motors that many bacteria use to swim around
- During initial innate immunity response _____________________.
- Peptides supress the genesis, stability and activity of microRNA that plans produce during the
- Gibberella Fujikuroi injecsts what?
- It injects the plant hormone gibberellin
- What does Gibberella Fujikuroi infect?
- Rice
- Gibberella Fujikuroi is what kind of pathogen?
- Fungus
- Gibberellin suppresses?
- The rice defense hormone salicylic acid
- P.syringae injects?
- The chemical Coronatine
- What does coronatine do?
- It mimics the hormone jasmonic acid(signaling)
- Name one way pathogens attach RIN4
- Repeatedly phosphorylate
- What happens when RIN4 is phosphorylated in a resistant plant?
- It immediately reboots the plants defenses by removing the phosphorylation
- What are emerging players in plant immunology?
- Sulfation, glycosylation and acetylation
- Sophien Kamoun reported
- genes involved in chromatin remodeling may have helped the late blight pathogen develop it nefarious infection tactics
- What might have helped late blight pathogens develop its tactics?
- Gees involved in chromatin remodeling