BIO 205
undefined, object
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- ampicillin
- Peptidoglycan (2)
- vancomycin
- Paptdoglycan 2
- azithromycin
- protein synthesis 1
- cephalosporin
- peptidoglycan
- rifampin
- nucleic acid synthesis 4
- gentamycin
- protein synthesis
- bacitracin
- peptidoglycan 2
- tetracycline
- protein 1
- sulfanilamide
- metabolic inhibitor 3
- trimethoprim
- metabolic inhibitor
- nucleic acid 4
- streptomycin
- protein synthesis 1
- Staphylococcus
- +
- Neisseria
- -
- Pseudamonas
- -
- Streptococcus
- +
- Haemophilus
- -
- Franciscella
- -
- Yersinia
- -
- Escherchia
- -
- Coddidiodes Immitis
- Resp 1
- Aeromonas Hydrophila
- Gastroenteritis 2
- Cryptosporidium
- Gasttro 2
- Shigella
- Gastro 2
- Legionella
- Resp 1
- Chlamydia trachomoatis
- STD 3
- giardia
- gastro 2
- bacillus cereus
- STD 3
- vibrio parahemolyticus
- gastro
- campylobacter
- gastro 2
- bordetella pertussis
- resp 1
- salmonella typhimurium
- gastro 2
- E Coli
- gastro 2
- Staph endotoxin is destroyed when cooking for greater than 3 min
- false
- What antibiotic inhibits mycolic acids?
- Amphotericin B
- Endotoxin is responsible for symptoms caused by which of the following
- N. meningitides
- Microspcopic examination of the cerebrospinal fluid reveals gram positive rods
- Listeria
- Which is not transmitted by an arthropod vector
- pertussis
- Levaquin
- nucleic acid 4
- Polymixin B
- Bacterial cell membran
- What does ONPG test for?
- Beta-galactosidase coliform test
- Salmonella
- -
- Bordatella
- -
- Which orgnaism doesn't cause meningitis
- mycobacterium avium
- propionibacterium
- +
- corynebacterium
- +
- Lactobacillus
- +
- Enterococcus
- +
- Micrococcus
- +
- Streptococcus pyogenes
- resp 1
- corynebacterium diptheriae
- resp 1
- mycobacterium tuberculosis
- resp 1
- yersinia enterocolitica
- gastro 2
- norwalk agent
- gastro 2
- Inhibits fungal glucan synthesis
- echinocandins
- What is not an antiviral drug
- amphotericin B