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NMS pmr-ortho exam1


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Straight Leg Testing
*L5 or S1 radiculopathy

* pain that radiates down back of leg
* pain that radiates down back of thigh ONLY is hamstring tightness

- passively flex hip while keeping knee straight
.. internal rotation of hip and passive dorsiflexion will increase posterior leg pain!!
.. contralateral s.l.r is also suggestive for radiculopathy

Lachman's Exam
*Tests for cruciate instability* - ACL

- grasp femur above knee and tibia below knee at 30 degrees
- toggle knee back and forth

[Drawer Test] *PCL*
- flex knee to 90 degrees
- sit on foot to stabilize
- pull backwards and forwards

Patellar Apprehension Exam
*Recurrent dislocating or sublexation of patella*

- extend knee
- apply lateral pressure to medial border of patella

* if pt tightens quad involuntarily to resist maneuver or have expressed apprehension = + test

Meniscal Testing
*Posterior medial meniscus is most common tear*

- bend knee and palpate along joint line
- complete flex to extension and bounce knee WHILE CUPPING HEEL
- fully flex knee then slowly extend knee with tibia medially rotated (foot turned in)..and then do it again with tibia laterally rotated (foot turned out)

*mcmurray: pain with full flexion
*bounce: pain with full extension

Milgram's Maneuver
*intrathecal pathology*

- have patient lay down and hold legs straight and raise them into a position about 2 inches from table
- have them hold as long as they can

*STRETCHES iliopsoas muscle and the anterior abdominal muscles and INCREASES intrathecal pressure

Patrick-FABER test
*Detects pathology of hip and SI joint*

- Flex hip, Abduct hip, then Externally rotate above opposite knee (make a 4)
- to stress *SI* joint, extend ROM by pushing down on knee joint and contralateral ASIS

Anterior Drawer Test for Ankle
*Test for anterior stability of ankle - ANTERIOR TALOFIBULAR LIGAMENT* - most commonly injured due to INVERSION

- translate the talus anterior to the tibia with patient sitting off edge of table
- a dimple or suction occasionally occurs over the ligament

Talar Tilt Test for Ankle
*Tests calcaneofibular ligmanet* - 2nd most injured ligament in foot

- flex knee to relax gastrocnemius (sitting, supine, or side laying..tilt ankle toward table)
- ADduct ankle (inward motion)

Testing Collateral Ligaments
*Tests MCL and LCL*

- for LCL: place a VARUS stress on the knee (Rum makes your knees spread) - for MCL: place a VALGUS stress on the knee

(0 degress..not as specific for ACL and PCL too; 30 degrees more specific to MCL and LCL)

*Laxity in full extension often suggests a combination injury involving the collateral ligament and possible cruciate ligament as well*

10 = 3
Schober's Test
*Restricted flexion of the lower lumbar spine* - can be found in ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS

- mark 10 cm from base of S1 (dimples of Venus), then have patient flex and see new distance
- normal measurement is GREATER than 14 cm

*weakness of ipsilateral gluteus medius (an ABductor)

- have patient stand on 1 leg
- observe iliac crest on both sides.. if contralateral iliac crest drops lower than ipsilateral.. this suggests weakness of ipsilateral gluteus medius

Homan's Test
*Deep vein thrombosis in the calf*

- Patient lays down and doc passively dorsiflex the pt's ankle
- pain in the calf and posterior knee suggests deep venous thrombosis

Innervated by femoral nerve
- L2, L3, L4 roots
Anterior Tibialis
Innervated by peroneal nerve
- L4, L5 roots

- Have patient stand on heel and dorsiflex ankle
- Apply pressure to dorsum of foot and push the foot to the ground with a straight arm

Extensor Hallucis Longus and Brevis
Innervated by the peroneal nerve
- L5 nerve root

- rest heel of foot on thigh or have patient in seated position
- have patient extend MTP joint of big toe (toes to your noes)
- student applies pressure on the proximal phalynx to flex toe

Gluteus Medius
Innervated by superior gluteal nerve
- L5 nerve root

- Have pt ABduct leg and then student ADducts leg while pt is on side

Innervated by tibial nerve
- S1 root

- Patient stands and puts 1 finger on table to balance
- student makes sure patient keeps their knee straight
- patient plantar flexes 10 times (goes up on toes)

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