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International Relations 1.1


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qui a developpe neoliberalism?
margret thatcher and ronald reagan
Banque Mondial
an international financial institution that provides loans to developing countries for capital programmes. The World Bank's official goal is the reduction of poverty.
-under neoliberalism

-deplacement du capital au ici

-un chance pour les pays developement du joint les grandes pays

-taiwan, coree sud, malaysie, indonesie, singapore

downside of delocalisation
more crisis because all the markets are tied together
In Asia, what was ended under neoliberalism?
l'etat providencial
La Chine pendant neoliberlaism
-Den Xiao Ping (marxist orthodox)

-pat socialiste/ partager la richesse

-joint venture/ pas des crises

-readjustement du economie/ puissance de l'argent

Gloablization/ an economic process involves the global reorganization of the production process, in which various stages of the production of any product can occur in various countries, typically with the aim of minimizing costs.

-inter connectivity between different cultures

a state=
puissance gouvernemental, territoire, et communaute humaine.
entite territorial et comment on le peut profonder
l'etat (terreste, maritime et aerial)

-la guerre ou l'achat

regles d'attribution
systeme fonde sur la loi du sang/ des parents
droit du sol
heritage is defined by where one is born
commuanute a l'exteriueur du territoire national
les etrangers
etranger simple= ils vivent en toute egalite

aparthides= il est sans patrinom

refuges= aller a beneficient avec plus de la protection maid maintien nationalite

les minorities

Article 2 ensures
each country is free to choose it's own government
multinational corporation
-corporation or an enterprise that manages production or delivers services in more than one country.


-multinationale ou transnationale

Intergovernmental organization
-an organization composed primarily of sovereign states or of other intergovernmental organizations.

-world bank and nato

-organisation intergouvernementale (OIG)

Non-governmental organization
-a legally constituted organization created by natural or legal persons that operates independently from any government.

-nonprofit organization

-organisation non gouvernementale ou ONG

International nongovernmental organization
-An international non-governmental organization (INGO) has the same mission as a non-governmental organization (NGO), but it is international in scope and has outposts around the world to deal with specific issues in many countries.

-Organisation non gouvernementale internationale

The concept of power in international relations can be described as
the degree of resources, capabilities, and influence in international affairs
Dependency theory
a theory most commonly associated with Marxism, stating that a set of Core states exploit a set of weaker Periphery states for their prosperity.

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