test 2 eng 214- definitions
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- Novel
- Extended work of fictional prose narrative. Often has more characters and scenes. On the Road by Jack Keroac is an example of a novel.
- Novella
- Longer than a short story but shorter than a novel. Kafka's The Metamorphosis is an example of a novella
- Historical Fiction
- Genre of fiction set in another time or place and usually aims to recreate past historical events. Claudius is an example of historical fiction
- psychological criticism
- a literary criticism that uses the psychological perspectives of frued and jung to analyse literature. Rocking horse winner would be an example of a work of fiction that could be analysed with the psychological criticism approach.
- romance
- Narrative literature that has exotic adventure and idealized emotion. Not realistic, but entertaining. A movie that could be classified as romance is star wars
- nonfiction novel
- actual events are presented in a novel length. uses techniques of fiction. truman capote's inc old blood is an example of nonfiction novel.
- deconstructionalism
- focuses on the language of the literature itself, not attempting to find a singular meaning. An example would be to study the language in Young Goodman Brown
- literary theory
- literary critcism that fomulates general ideas rather than discuss specific texts. abstract and focuses on basic langauge content.
- verisimilitude
- how real a literary work is. a & p is an example of verisimilitude in a story because it depicts a real situation in a fictious manner.
- epistolary novel
- literary device in which a story is told by way of letters written by one or more of the characters. The color purple is an example of an epistolary novel.
- Weltanschauung
- world view
- formalism
- literature is only to be critiqued on its own terms, not judged by outside things.
- metafiction
- fiction that explores its own nature.
- el boom
- the rapid growth of latin american women writers in the 70's
- Bildungsroman
- novel of growth and development. a youth who struggles to find maturity. sam in a and p
- analysis
- examination of a piece of literature as a means of undersatnding its subject or structure
- historical criticism
- analysis of a given literature work in the context of delving into the culture and history.
- reader-response criticism
- analysis techneach of describing what happens in the reader's mine while interpreting the teaxt. literally what you thought was going on as it was going on
- magical realism
- magic and spirits are mixed in with a real life scenario
- close reading
step by step analysis of a piece of literature