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neuro 5


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Caudal Ventromedial Medulla
- thrombosis branch of anterior spinal artery

*contralateral hemiparesis = pyramid
*contralateral loss of MVP = medial lemniscus

Rostral ventrolmedial medulla
- thrombosis branch of anterior spinal artery

*contralateral hemiparesis = pyramid
*contralateral loss of MVP = medial lemniscus
*ipsilateral paralysis of tongue = hypoglossal nerve rootlets (LMN)

Lateral medulla (wallenberg's syndrome)
- thrombosis of PICA or vertebral artery
(same as a dorsolateral medulla lesion)

*contralateral loss of pain&temp = lateral spinothalamic tract
*ipsilateral pain&temp = spinal tract and nucleus of trigeminal
*dysphagia/dysphonia; ipsilateral loss of gag reflex; tachycardia = nucleus ambiguous (CN X and IX)
*horner's syndrome = descending central sympathetics
* ipsilateral limb ataxia = inferior cerebellar peduncle
* ipsilateral deafness and tinnitus = cochlear nucleu
*nystagmus, nausea, vomiting, vertigo = inferior and medial vestibular nuclei
* ipsilateral loss fo taste; vomiting = solitary nucleus

Pontomedullary angle
- acoustic neuroma

*ipsilateral deafness, tinnitus nystagmus, vertigo = vestibulocochlear nerve
*ipsilateral facial paralysis, dry eye, dry mouth, reduced taste, hyperacusis = facial nerve
*ipsilateral ataxis of limbs = inferior cerebral peduncle
*ipsilateral loss of somesthetic sensations of face, mouth, etc; paralysis of muscles of mastication & jaw reflex loss; loss of corneal blink reflex = trigeminal nerve
*paralysis of soft palate, pharynx & larynx, anesthesia of parynx all ispiateral; dyspnea, dysphagia, hoarsenss, tachycardia = glossopharyngeal & vagus nerves

Facial colliculus
- neoplasm

*ipsilateral facial paralysis = internal genu of facial nerve
*ipsilateral internal strabismus & paralysis of lateral gaze = abducens nucleus

Caudal ventrolateral pons

(facial hemiplegia alternans...millard-guber)

(abducens hemiplegia alternans)

- neoplasm / vascular (basilar artery)

*contralateral hemiparesis = corticospinal tract
*ipsilateral facial nerve signs = facial nerve root

*contralateral hemiparesis = corticospinal tract
*ipsilateral internal strabismus & paralysis of abduction of eye = abducens nerve root

Rostral ventrolateral pons
- neoplasm/vascular

*contralateral hemiparesis = corticospinal tract
* ipsilateral trigeminal nerve signs (loss of jaw jerk reflex, corneal blink reflex, and ipsilateral loss of sensation on face) = trigeminal nerve ROOT

Pontine tegmentum rostral

Pontine tegmentum caudal

- neoplasm

* contralateral loss of MVP = medial lemniscus
* contralateral loss of pain&temp from body = spinothalamic tract
* ipsilateral loss of face pain & temp = trigeminal nerve ROOT
* horner's syndrome = desc. sympathetics

- same
- same
* associated cranial nerve signs = facial or abducens nuclei or roots
* iposilateral loss of pain & temp from face = spinal tract nerve V
* nystagmus, vertigo = vestibular nuclei
* horner's syndrome = desecnding sympathetics

Anterior internuclear ophthalmoplegia
- multiple sclerosis

* paralysis of adduction of eye(s).. intact adduction on convergence.. nystagmus of aBducting eye(s) = ascending medial longitudinal fasciculus

Ventral pons
LOCKED-IN Syndrome
- thrombosis of basilar artery

*quadriplegia = corticospinal tracts
*bilateral facial, laryngeal and lingual paralysis = corticobulbar tracts
**eyes are able to move**

Lateral midbrain tegmentum
- neoplasm

*contralateral loss of MVP from body = medial lemniscus & spinothalamic tract
* contralateral loss of pain & temp from face = ventral trigeminothalamic tract

Ventromedial midbrain (oculomotor hemiplegia alternans... Weber's)
- aneurysm of posterior communicating artery

* ipsilateral oculomotor nerve signs = oculomotor rootlets
* contralateral hemiparesis = corticospinal tract
* contralateral lower facial weakness = corticobulbar fibers

Superior colliculus (parinaud's)
- pinealoma

* paralysis of upward gaze (tracking) = rostra/corticotectal fibers
* loss of papillary light reflex = pretectal area
* paralysis of downoard tracking movements of eyes = caudo-lateral corticotectal fibers

Diencephalong lesion - thalamic syndrome (Dejerine-Roussy syndrome)
- occlusion of the thalamogeniculate branch of the posterior cerebral artery!
(peristent pain which is uslaly poorly localized)

*contralateral hemihypalgesia and intense pain (burning sensation) = ventral posterolateral (VPL) thalamic nucleus and adjacent white matter
*contrlateral hemiparesis, babinski sign and hyperreflexia = corticospinal fibers in posterior limb of internal capsule
* homonymous hemianopsia = lateral geniculate nucleus

Internal capsule lesion
(posterior limb)
- capsular stroke; hemorrhages from lenticuolostriate branches of middle cerebral artery

*contralateral hemiparesis and babinksi sign = corticospinal fibers in posterior limb of internal capsule
*contralateral paresis of lower facial muscles and tongue = corticobulbar fibers in genu and posterior limb
*contralateral loss of P&T from face and body, and MVP = interruption of thalamocortical fibers from VPM and VPL to somatosensory cortex

Cerebral cortex vascular syndrome
- middle cerebral artery occlusion (stroke)

* contralateral hemiplegia of lower face, trunk, upper&lower limbs, and babinski sign = primary motor cortex(somatomotor) and CS and CB fibers in posterior limb of internal capsule
*contralateral hemianesthesia of face, trunk, upper&lower extremities = somatosensory & thalamocortical fibers from VPM and VPL in internal capsule (posterior limb)
*homonymous hemianopsia = geniculocalcarine fibers looping through temporal and parietal lobes

Brodmann's # 3, 1, and 2
primary somatosensory region
Brodmann's # 4
primary motor area
Right hemisphere dominance
spatial design
musical ability
recognition of forms, faces, and body image
left hand skills
memory for shapes

unexpected stimuli
global aspects of environment

Preoptic area of hypothalamus
regulation of:
- pituitary gonadotropin secretion
- reproductive, feeding, and steroptypic locomotive behaviors

**medial preoptic area is sexually dimorphic!**

Lateral zone of hypothalamus
Regulation of:
- feeding behavior

Structures include:
medial forebrain bundle, lateral area & nucleus, tuberal nuclei

Composed mostly of fiber pathways

Medial zone of hypothalamus
Regulation of:
- water balance
- circadian rhythm (suprachiasmatic nucleus)
- body temperature (anterior nucleus)

additional structures.. supraoptic nucleus, paraventricular nucleus (endocrine/autonomic)

Medial zone of hypothalamus
- TUBERAL region
Regulation of:
- hormone secretion (an & me)
- satiety (VM nucleus)
- emotional behaviors (DM nucleus)

*ventromedial nucleus, dorsomedial nucleus, arcuate nucleus, median eminence, infundibulum/pituitary stalk

Medial zone of hypothalamus
- MAMMILARY region
Regulation of:
- STM (lateral mammilary nucleus ..if lesioned, Korsakoff's syndrome)
- Blood pressure

Periventricular zone of hypothalamus
contains the periventricular nucleus located adjacent to ependymal cells of the 3rd ventricle
Neurosecretory neurons that project to the median eminence via the tuberoinfundibular tract..

Medial preoptic area

Neurosecretory neurons that project to the median eminence via the tuberoinfundibular tract..

Paraventricular nucleus

Neurosecretory neurons that project to the median eminence via the tuberoinfundibular tract..

Periventricular nucleus

Somatostatin (SRIF)
Neurosecretory neurons that project to the median eminence via the tuberoinfundibular tract..

Arcuate nucleus

Dopamine, GHRH
baroreceptor (cardiovascular)and oropharyngeal afferents
visceromotor, somatomotor behavioral
Olfactory bulb (PNS) - 5 layers
- olfactory nerve layer
- glomerular layer: convergence (contains inhib interneurons)
- external plexiform layer
- mitral cell layer
- inner plexiform (granule cell) layer

- olfactory tract (CNS!)

Horner's Syndrome
- ptosis (drooping of eyelid)
- miosis (constriction of pupil)
- anhydrosis and flushing of the skin and face

*from lesioning sympathetic preganglionic pathways at C8 to T2... will produce this syndrome IPSILATERALLY

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