neuro 5
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- Caudal Ventromedial Medulla
- thrombosis branch of anterior spinal artery
*contralateral hemiparesis = pyramid
*contralateral loss of MVP = medial lemniscus - Rostral ventrolmedial medulla
- thrombosis branch of anterior spinal artery
*contralateral hemiparesis = pyramid
*contralateral loss of MVP = medial lemniscus
*ipsilateral paralysis of tongue = hypoglossal nerve rootlets (LMN) - Lateral medulla (wallenberg's syndrome)
- thrombosis of PICA or vertebral artery
(same as a dorsolateral medulla lesion)
*contralateral loss of pain&temp = lateral spinothalamic tract
*ipsilateral pain&temp = spinal tract and nucleus of trigeminal
*dysphagia/dysphonia; ipsilateral loss of gag reflex; tachycardia = nucleus ambiguous (CN X and IX)
*horner's syndrome = descending central sympathetics
* ipsilateral limb ataxia = inferior cerebellar peduncle
* ipsilateral deafness and tinnitus = cochlear nucleu
*nystagmus, nausea, vomiting, vertigo = inferior and medial vestibular nuclei
* ipsilateral loss fo taste; vomiting = solitary nucleus - Pontomedullary angle
- acoustic neuroma
*ipsilateral deafness, tinnitus nystagmus, vertigo = vestibulocochlear nerve
*ipsilateral facial paralysis, dry eye, dry mouth, reduced taste, hyperacusis = facial nerve
*ipsilateral ataxis of limbs = inferior cerebral peduncle
*ipsilateral loss of somesthetic sensations of face, mouth, etc; paralysis of muscles of mastication & jaw reflex loss; loss of corneal blink reflex = trigeminal nerve
*paralysis of soft palate, pharynx & larynx, anesthesia of parynx all ispiateral; dyspnea, dysphagia, hoarsenss, tachycardia = glossopharyngeal & vagus nerves - Facial colliculus
- neoplasm
*ipsilateral facial paralysis = internal genu of facial nerve
*ipsilateral internal strabismus & paralysis of lateral gaze = abducens nucleus -
Caudal ventrolateral pons
(facial hemiplegia alternans...millard-guber)
(abducens hemiplegia alternans) -
- neoplasm / vascular (basilar artery)
*contralateral hemiparesis = corticospinal tract
*ipsilateral facial nerve signs = facial nerve root
*contralateral hemiparesis = corticospinal tract
*ipsilateral internal strabismus & paralysis of abduction of eye = abducens nerve root - Rostral ventrolateral pons
- neoplasm/vascular
*contralateral hemiparesis = corticospinal tract
* ipsilateral trigeminal nerve signs (loss of jaw jerk reflex, corneal blink reflex, and ipsilateral loss of sensation on face) = trigeminal nerve ROOT -
Pontine tegmentum rostral
Pontine tegmentum caudal -
- neoplasm
* contralateral loss of MVP = medial lemniscus
* contralateral loss of pain&temp from body = spinothalamic tract
* ipsilateral loss of face pain & temp = trigeminal nerve ROOT
* horner's syndrome = desc. sympathetics
- same
- same
* associated cranial nerve signs = facial or abducens nuclei or roots
* iposilateral loss of pain & temp from face = spinal tract nerve V
* nystagmus, vertigo = vestibular nuclei
* horner's syndrome = desecnding sympathetics - Anterior internuclear ophthalmoplegia
- multiple sclerosis
* paralysis of adduction of eye(s).. intact adduction on convergence.. nystagmus of aBducting eye(s) = ascending medial longitudinal fasciculus - Ventral pons
LOCKED-IN Syndrome
- thrombosis of basilar artery
*quadriplegia = corticospinal tracts
*bilateral facial, laryngeal and lingual paralysis = corticobulbar tracts
**eyes are able to move** - Lateral midbrain tegmentum
- neoplasm
*contralateral loss of MVP from body = medial lemniscus & spinothalamic tract
* contralateral loss of pain & temp from face = ventral trigeminothalamic tract - Ventromedial midbrain (oculomotor hemiplegia alternans... Weber's)
- aneurysm of posterior communicating artery
* ipsilateral oculomotor nerve signs = oculomotor rootlets
* contralateral hemiparesis = corticospinal tract
* contralateral lower facial weakness = corticobulbar fibers - Superior colliculus (parinaud's)
- pinealoma
* paralysis of upward gaze (tracking) = rostra/corticotectal fibers
* loss of papillary light reflex = pretectal area
* paralysis of downoard tracking movements of eyes = caudo-lateral corticotectal fibers - Diencephalong lesion - thalamic syndrome (Dejerine-Roussy syndrome)
- occlusion of the thalamogeniculate branch of the posterior cerebral artery!
(peristent pain which is uslaly poorly localized)
*contralateral hemihypalgesia and intense pain (burning sensation) = ventral posterolateral (VPL) thalamic nucleus and adjacent white matter
*contrlateral hemiparesis, babinski sign and hyperreflexia = corticospinal fibers in posterior limb of internal capsule
* homonymous hemianopsia = lateral geniculate nucleus - Internal capsule lesion
(posterior limb)
- capsular stroke; hemorrhages from lenticuolostriate branches of middle cerebral artery
*contralateral hemiparesis and babinksi sign = corticospinal fibers in posterior limb of internal capsule
*contralateral paresis of lower facial muscles and tongue = corticobulbar fibers in genu and posterior limb
*contralateral loss of P&T from face and body, and MVP = interruption of thalamocortical fibers from VPM and VPL to somatosensory cortex - Cerebral cortex vascular syndrome
- middle cerebral artery occlusion (stroke)
* contralateral hemiplegia of lower face, trunk, upper&lower limbs, and babinski sign = primary motor cortex(somatomotor) and CS and CB fibers in posterior limb of internal capsule
*contralateral hemianesthesia of face, trunk, upper&lower extremities = somatosensory & thalamocortical fibers from VPM and VPL in internal capsule (posterior limb)
*homonymous hemianopsia = geniculocalcarine fibers looping through temporal and parietal lobes - Brodmann's # 3, 1, and 2
- primary somatosensory region
- Brodmann's # 4
- primary motor area
- Right hemisphere dominance
spatial design
musical ability
recognition of forms, faces, and body image
left hand skills
memory for shapes
unexpected stimuli
global aspects of environment - Preoptic area of hypothalamus
regulation of:
- pituitary gonadotropin secretion
- reproductive, feeding, and steroptypic locomotive behaviors
**medial preoptic area is sexually dimorphic!** - Lateral zone of hypothalamus
Regulation of:
- feeding behavior
Structures include:
medial forebrain bundle, lateral area & nucleus, tuberal nuclei
Composed mostly of fiber pathways -
Medial zone of hypothalamus
Regulation of:
- water balance
- circadian rhythm (suprachiasmatic nucleus)
- body temperature (anterior nucleus)
additional structures.. supraoptic nucleus, paraventricular nucleus (endocrine/autonomic)
Medial zone of hypothalamus
- TUBERAL region -
Regulation of:
- hormone secretion (an & me)
- satiety (VM nucleus)
- emotional behaviors (DM nucleus)
*ventromedial nucleus, dorsomedial nucleus, arcuate nucleus, median eminence, infundibulum/pituitary stalk -
Medial zone of hypothalamus
- MAMMILARY region -
Regulation of:
- STM (lateral mammilary nucleus ..if lesioned, Korsakoff's syndrome)
- Blood pressure - Periventricular zone of hypothalamus
- contains the periventricular nucleus located adjacent to ependymal cells of the 3rd ventricle
Neurosecretory neurons that project to the median eminence via the tuberoinfundibular tract..
Medial preoptic area - GnRH
Neurosecretory neurons that project to the median eminence via the tuberoinfundibular tract..
Paraventricular nucleus - TRH, CRH
Neurosecretory neurons that project to the median eminence via the tuberoinfundibular tract..
Periventricular nucleus - Somatostatin (SRIF)
Neurosecretory neurons that project to the median eminence via the tuberoinfundibular tract..
Arcuate nucleus - Dopamine, GHRH
- SFO and OVLT
- osmoreception
- baroreceptor (cardiovascular)and oropharyngeal afferents
- vasopression
- visceromotor, somatomotor behavioral
- Olfactory bulb (PNS) - 5 layers
- olfactory nerve layer
- glomerular layer: convergence (contains inhib interneurons)
- external plexiform layer
- mitral cell layer
- inner plexiform (granule cell) layer
- olfactory tract (CNS!) - Horner's Syndrome
- ptosis (drooping of eyelid)
- miosis (constriction of pupil)
- anhydrosis and flushing of the skin and face
*from lesioning sympathetic preganglionic pathways at C8 to T2... will produce this syndrome IPSILATERALLY