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serbin: Concordia (Montreal) longitudinal research project

study design

children were categorized into aggressive withdrawn categories by their teachers

community based sample thierfor avoiding the baises inherent to a clincially refered sample



aggressive children of both sexes had lower IQ's and academic achievement than comparison controls.

both were more physically agressive during play

girls agression was associated with prferences for males who were also agressive



1)elevated drug, smoking alcholol
2) continued to seek out behvoirally compatible peer groups
3) STD
4) pregnancy
5) depression and axneity



their children had higher health risks

the agressive girls had become agresive mothers exhibiting maternal childhood agression
children had more visists to the hospital.


generated a model for predicting dating voilence

found that anxious attachment styles from early life experiences lead to a angry temperament

the model predicted abusiveness for both genders.

ehrensaft cohen and johnson
they found the formation of the personality disorder clusters described by DMV mediated the inter generational transmission of family voilence

this occured in both genders; presence if a personality disorder is a better predictor of IPV than gender.

go on to describe abusive personality

having an early pre existing pattern of distrust, interpersonal avoidance, unusual or bizarre beliefs and constricted positive affect.

In other words NEM

ehrensaft et all
ipv rates in a birth cohort of 980 individuals

women 68% and men 60%

both men and women evidenced the signs of a personality disorder.

finding counters the assumption that if clinical abuse was ascertained in epidemiological sampels it would be primarily man to woman, explain by patriachy rather than psychopathology.

ehrenshafts developmental personality disorder trajectories
a failure of personality disroders to decline predicted intimate voilence in both sexes

women with a pattern of distrust, interperonal avoidance, constricted affect were more likely to assault intimate male partners

it was personality disturbance not gender that predicted violence.


study organization

followed a birth cohort 1037 subjects in dunedin new zealand

group studied every two years since inception for a veariety of health, development and behavioral measures.

dunedin study findings
antisocial Beahavoir measured in females at age 15 predicted their use of intimate aggression against males intimates at age 21

womens conduct problems correlated with thier later use of voilence against thier partners also corrlated with the use of voilence towards her.

women had more IPV then men
rates similar to Us rates
perpetrators and victims represented the same demographic profile
less schooling, more alcholol dependance
higher scores on cirminality and mental health scores

suggests assortative mating

analyzing data from the same peer cohort (dunedin) moffit found that antisocial traits measured in femailes at age of 15

made them more likely to become invovled a relationship with an abused man at age 21

also more likely to commit voilence against thier partners.

Dunedin pre exiting characteristics that in women at age 18 that predicted dating violence (moffit)
approval of voilence
excessive jealousy and supicousness
poor self control and a tendency to experience rapid negative emtions.

negative Emotionality from Multi-dimensional personality questionaree.
reactions to stress, i often get irritated at little annoyances
experience of emtion
expections of others - most people stay friend as long as it is to thier advantage
i often get irritated at little annoyances.

attitudes towards using agression

NEM is a composate of ... and predcited
agression, aleination and extreme stress reactions

negative emtionality measured in women at age 15 predicted thier use of voilence towards an intimate other at age 21 regardless of weather that person fought back or not.

Capaldi et all
women prior antisocial behavior and depressive symptoms predicted both

1) their own abusive behavior
2) their male partners abuse

notably the womens characteristics were predictive over and above the contribution fo thier male partners antisocial charactersitics

assortative mating plus indpendent risk factor for womens personality varaibles.

cycle of voilence walker
tension building

moody, nitpicking isolates victim put downs , uses drugs or alchol increasinly building negative dysphoric feels that he projects on to the women


pushing, shoving hitting, inscable tension has built

Calm stage

says sorry promises\ to get councelling AA sends flowers, tires to win her back , refer to personality dynamics of intimate abusiveness.

essential charactersitics of borderline personality
a proclivity for intence interpersonal relationships, unstable, characterized by intermittened unermining of signifcant other and masked dependance

unstable sence of self, abanonment axneity with a intolerance for being alone

intence anger, impulsivity substance abuse promiscuity.

gundersons three phase defence structure of BPO

phase one: dysphoric stalemat where intimacy needs are unmet and the requisite motivation, insight and skills to assert those needs are non existant

phase two: the relationship is perceived as possibly lost. the defence structure expresses itself as anger and devaluation of the signficant other or open rage.

Phase three: occurs when relationships with signfigant other are lost BPO engages in behovoirs designed to ward off the subjective experince of aloneness substance abuse or promiscuity

Western and Shelders Definition of Borderline Swap m
emotions tend to spiral out of control, leading to extremes in anxiety

tends to feel depressed
tends to feel inadequate
tends to feel rejected
unable to self sooth
tends to be angry or hostile
tends to react to christims with feelings of rage or humulation
tends to be overly needy dependant; requires excessive reassurance or approval
tends to feel misunderstood, mistreated, victimized.

Dutton, abusive Personality
assessed borderline tendencies, attachment trauma symptoms, anger in male court madated treatment group

correlated thier personality variables with thier wives reports of abusiveness

using a BPO scale husbands personality scores correlated with 50% in emtional abuse and 35% domination.

BPO scale
identity diffusion: i see myself in totally different ways at different times

reality testing: i hear things people claim are not really there

Primitive defences : people tend to respond to me by either overwhelming me or abandoning me

mens PBO scores and MAI anger scores were highly correated with their partners reprots of obth phsyical abuse and psyhological abuse.

bowbly principles of attachment theory
first any alarm reaction activates the infants attachment behvoiral system

when this system is intensely active only physical contact with attacfhment figure will terminate to end it

finally when the attachment system is activated for a long time without reaching termination angy behvoir is regularly observed in infant

hence anger follows unmet attachment needs

secure attachment provides
an infant who will successfully seek proximity to an attachment figure who will soothe/ lower his her phsiologicla arousal
the infant will develop a sense of safe haven where he she can go to have distresed soothed
will develop a interal model of a secure base an internal schema of the self with attachment figure

the internal model becomes essentail in later ability to self sooth during adult disress.

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