early africa
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- how did ghana expand its kingdom?
- it offered protection to smaller tribes
- what statement about value of salt to w. kingdoms of aftrica is not true
- salt kept ghana from being the center of trade
- what is not a theory about the fall of zimbabwe?
- it was conquered by muslim invaders
- which statement about egypts influence on kush is not true?
- the people of kush mastered ironworking
- what effect did mansa musas pilgrimage to mecca have on mali?
- increased influence of islamic culture
- in subsaharan africa the people of aksum were the first to
- use coins
- which statment about kushs history is true?
- kush was conquered by aksum
- for which accomplishment was king lalibe la of ethiopia most famous?
- construction of underground churches
- what is the primary reason that the animals are attracted to the african savanna??
- 1/2 the plants that grow there are edible
- what do archeologists find that helped them trace the migratory path of both bantou peoples '
- pottery fragments
- which of the following statements abou the african deserts is true?
- the sahara covers N africa and is the largest desert in the world
- what was the city of timbuktu best known for?
- wealth and education