management 201 Exam III chpt 16
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- A pattern of basic assumptions that are considered valid and taught to new members as the way to perceive, think, and feel in the organization
- Organizational Culture
- Three Levels of Culture
Assumptions -
level of culture in that symbols of
culture in the physical
and social work environment - Artifacts
level of culture in that what members of
an organization say they value
and are reflected in the way
they actually behave - Values
- level of culture in that deeply held beliefs that guide behavior and tell members of the organization how to perceive and think about things
- Assumptions
- The process by which newcomers are transformed from outsiders to participating, effective members of the organization
- Organizational Socialization
- first socialization stage—encompasses all of the learning that takes place prior to the newcomer’s first day on the job
- Anticipatory Socialization
- the second socialization stage—the newcomer learns the tasks associated with the job, clarifies roles, and establishes new relationships at work
- Encounter
- the third socialization stage—the newcomer begins to master the demands of the job
- Change and Acquisition
- Four Functions of Organizational Culture
-provides a sense of identity increases commitment to the organization
-is a sense-making device for organization members
-reinforces the values in the organization
-serves as a control mechanism for shaping behavior