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Management 201 Exam III chpt 12


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the process of guiding and directing the behavior of people
the officially sanctioned leadership based on the authority of a formal position
Formal Leadership
the unofficial leadership accorded to a person by other members of the organization
Informal Leadership
The traits theory distinguishes leaders by
-Physical attributes (Size, gender, age )
-Personality characteristics (D & I)
-Social skills and speech (social comfortable)
-Education (perceived smart)
-Cooperativeness (flexibility)
Insight (understand the job)

Three Major Behavioral Leadership Theories and their definitions
Lewin - identified styles of leaders
Ohio State University Studies - measured specific leader behaviors
University of Michigan Studies - leader’s style influences the emotional atmosphere of the work environment

the leader uses strong, directive, controlling actions to enforce the rules, regulations, activities, and relationships; followers have little discretionary influence
Autocratic Style
the leader takes collaborative, reciprocal, interactive actions with followers; followers have high degree of discretionary influence
Democratic Style
the leader fails to accept the responsibilities of the position; creates chaos in the work environment
Laissez-Faire Style
leader behavior aimed at defining and organizing work relationships and roles; establishing clear patterns of organization, communication, and ways of getting things done
Initiating Structure
leader behavior aimed at nurturing friendly, warm working relationships, as well as encouraging mutual trust and interpersonal respect within the work unit
Four Contingency Theories
Fiedler’s Contingency Theory
Path-Goal Theory
Normative Decision Theory
Situational Leadership (newest)

the fit between the leader’s needs and the favorableness of the situation determines the team’s work accomplishment
Fieldlers Contingency Theory
The basic role of the leader is to clear the follower’s path to the goal
Path Goal Theory of Leadership
Use the decision method most appropriate for a given decision situation
Normative Decision Model
How You Lead Depends on the Situation
Situational Leadership
Good Leaders should:
-challenge the organizational culture
-demonstrate a concern for people and empowerment
-Good leaders are good followers

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