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- Adverse event
- an unintended injury or complication directly related to medical intervention that results in death, disability at the time of discharge from hispital, or prolonged hostpital stay.
- biomedical view of medicine
- a medical perspective that emphasizes western scientific principles, defines health as the absense of illness, views the human body as a machine that sometimes requires repair, and promotes the use of therapeutic intervention to cure disease and injury.
- biopsychococial view of health and illness
- a medical perspective that considers health and disease as products of the interaction between body, mind, and environment.
- body mass index BMI
- weight in kilograms divded by the square heigh in meteres; overwieght is defined as 25 kg/m squares and obesity as 30
- comorbidity
- the predisposition of an individual with an illness to additional health conditions
- deinstitutionalization
- the trend towaerds moving the locus of treatment for mental patients away from large institutions into smaller community- based settings.
- epidemiological transition
- an observable epidmiological pattern wherby the nature of population illnesses shift from diseases of acute infection and nutrional deficiency characterisitc of develoiping societies to chronic non communicable illnesses characteristic of developed societies.
- epidemiology
- an applied science that examines the causes, distribution, and control of disease in a population.
- health
- a state of complete physcial, mental and social well being. WHO
- infant mortality rate
- number of deaths of children under one year of age per 1,000 live births
- life expectancy
- the average number of years remaining to a person at a particular age, given current age- specific mortality rates.
- maternal mortality rate
- the number of deaths of women due to complications during preganancy, childbirth, or abortion, typically measured as deaths per year per 1,000 live births
- medical (clinical) iatrogensis
- any state of adverse phjysical or mental health caused by the effects of medical intervention by a physician, therapist, or pharmacist.
- medicalization
- the process whereby the medical profession comes to be viewed as being relevant to an ever - widening range of traditionally non medical aspects of life
- medical sociology
- the field of sociology that examines the social context of health, illness, and health care
- mental disorder
- a condition characterize by alterations in thinking, moodm or behavior ( or some combination theor of) associated with significant distress and impaired functioning over an extended period of time.
- mental health
- the capacity for individuals to feel, think, and in ways that enhance the quality of daily functioning, the range and depth of social relationships, and the ability to adapt to both positive and negative life changes.
- mental illness
- cilinical diagnosis of mental disorder requiring medical and or psychotherapeutic treatment.
- morbidity rate
- the extent of disease in a population, reported by incidence ( the number of new case in a given population during a given period of time) and/ or its prevalence (the total number of cases of a disease in the population at a particular point in time)
- mortality rate-
- the death rate of a given disease or population, typically measured as deaths per year per 1,000 people.
- primary prevention
- proactive steps taken to prevent a disease from occuring
- professionalization
- when used to refer to the medical industry, the gradual process wherby physicians established autonomous control over the institution of health care and elevated their collective status in society to become authoritative judges of disease defintions and gatekeepers of medical services.
- social determinants of health
- the complez causal relationships between carious social, economic , and political factors and population health outcomes.
- telehealth
- the use of computer and communication technologies to facilitate health- care delivery across geographic space
- total institutions
- organizations, such as a mental institution or prison, that isolate, control and regulate all aspects of life for those individuals confined within their walls or organizational structure.
- under give mortality rate
- number of deaths of children under 5 per age per 1,000 live births
- well-being
- a piostive state of existence characterized by happiness, propserity, and the satisfaction of basic human needs, and not simply the absence of negative conditions, such as illness or injury.