Management 201 Exam II chpt 14
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- specified work and task activities that engage an individual in an organization
- Job
- mental or physical activity that has productive results
- work
- Develop standard, narrow, explicit specification of task activities for workers. Essentially minimizes worker decision making. (jobs are almost robotic tasks)
- Scientific Approach to Management
increases the number of activities in a job to overcome the boredom of routine tasks
- Job Enlargement
- a variation of job enlargement in which workers are exposed to a variety of routine tasks over time
- Job Rotation
- a variation of job enlargement in which workers are trained in different tasks or activities
- cross training
-Designing or redesigning jobs by incorporating motivational factors
-Emphasis is on recognition, responsibility and advancement opportunity - Job Enrichment
- This theory emphasizes the interaction between the individual and the attributes of the job
- Job Characteristics Theory
- survey instrument designed to measure the elements in the Job Characteristics Model
- Job Diagnostic Survey (JCI)
Job Characteristics Inventory (JCI) measures individuals on how they feel about the:
(1) Experienced meaningfulness of their work
(2) Experienced responsibility for outcomes
(3) Knowledge of the actual results of their work. - This model suggests that important job factors depend in part on what others tell a person about the job
- Social Information Processing model
- he science of adapting work and working conditions to the employee or worker
- ergonomics
an alternative work
pattern that enables employees
to set their own daily work
schedules - flextime
- employees work at home or in other locations geographically separate from their company’s main location
- Telecommuting
an alternative
work pattern in which there
is more than one person
occupying a single job - Job Sharing
a mobile
platform of computer,
telecommunication, and
information technology and
services - Virtual Office
- the stress caused by multi-tasking through the use of advancing technologies in the workplace
- Technostress
- job design in the future
- flexibility
Using committed (budgeted) employees
human capital) with ever-expanding
responsibilities to achieve zero waste,
100% quality and on time delivery - lean production