Management 201 Exam II chpt 8
undefined, object
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- the evoking of a shared or common meaning in another person
- communication
- communication between two or more people in an organization
- interpersonal communication
- the person originating a message
- communicator
- the person receiving a message
- reciever
- window through which we interact with people that influences the quality, accuracy, and clarity of the communication
- perceptual screen
- the thoughts and feelings that the communicator is attempting to elicit in the receiver
- message
- information fed back that completes the two way communication
- the words, their pronunciation, and the methods of combining them used and understood by a group of people
- language
- data that have been interpreted, analyzed, and have meaning to some user
- information
- uninterpreted and unanalyzed facts
- data
- the ability of a medium or channel to elicit or evoke meaning in the receiver
- richness
- Barriers to Communication
Physical separation
Status differences
Gender differences
Cultural diversity
Language - skill of carefully listening to another person and repeating back to the speaker and the heard message to correct any inaccuracies or misunderstandings
- reflective listening
- Four Components of Reflective Listening
Affirm Contact
Clarify the Implicit
Reflect Core feelings - Two Nonverbal Reflective listening components
Eye Contact
Silence - type of communication that can be aggressive, attacking and angry, or passive and withdrawing
- Defensive Communication
- type of communication that can be assertive, direct, and powerful
- non verbal communication
- bands of space extending outward from the body; territorial space differs from culture to culture
- Territorial Space
- seating people in certain positions according to the person’s purpose in communication
- seating dynamics
- various new technologies such as voicemail, email, teleconferencing, cell phones etc
- Information Communication Tecnology
-part of an Interpersonal Communication Model that can influence message quality, accuracy, and message clarity.
-Also are made up of age, gender, values, beliefs, needs, cultural experiences, etc - Filter