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Management 201 Exam II chpt 7


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the unconscious preparation to fight or flee that a person experiences when faced with any demand
the person or even that triggers the stress response (people, job, environment, exam etc)
the adverse psychological, physical, behavioral, and organizational consequences that MAY arise as a result of stressful events
distress or strain
-Individuals differ in their appraisal of events and people
-What is stressful for one person is not for another
-Individual perception and cognitive appraisal determines what is stressful

Cognitive Appraisal Approach
founder of Cognitive Appraisal Approach
Richard Lazarus
Cognitive Appraisal focuses on how to manage the ______ and the _______
stressor, response
a person breaks down at his or her weakest point
Achilles Heel Phenomenon
a healthy, secure, interdependent pattern of behavior related to how people form and maintain supportive attachments with others
self reliance
an unhealthy, insecure pattern of behavior that leads to separation in relationships with other people (withdraw, dont reach out to others)
an unhealthy, insecure pattern of behavior that leads to preoccupied attempts to achieve security through relationships (clingyyyy)
sense of time urgency
“hurry sickness”
quest for numbers (of achievements)
status insecurity
aggression & hostility expressed in response to frustration & conflict

Type A characteristics
sense of balance of perspective (no panic)
secure self confident)
calm and communicative
(in control)

Type B characteristics
Response to stress is natural
Some stressful activities (aerobic exercise, sports, etc.) can enhance a person’s ability to manage stressful demands or situations
Stress can provide a needed energy boost

positive stress
______ stress results in
a prolonged activation of the stress response (Worry)
mismanagement of the energy induced by the response (More Worry)
personal vulnerabilities (sick)

level of stress prevention that includes:
positive thinking
time management
leisure time activity

primary prevention
level of stress prevention that includes:
physical exercise
relaxation training

secondary prevention
level of stress prevention that includes:
opening up
professional help

tertiary level
stress in the workplace comes from either
______demands or ________ demands
work or non work
Work demands consist of:
task demands
role demands
interpersonal demands
physical demands

Non work demands consist of:
home demands
personal demands

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