Spanish Prepositions (midterm prep)
undefined, object
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- de nuevo
- again
- almost
- por poco
- as soon as
- en cuanto
- at about, around
- a eso de
- at least
- al menos, por lo menos
- at the same time
- a la vez
- because of
- a causa de
- because of that
- por eso
- by dint of
- a fuerza de
- conversely, however
- en cambio
- finally
- por fin
- forever
- para siempre
- immediately
- en seguida
- in depth
- a fondo
- in front of
- en frente de
- in general
- por lo general
- in regard to
- en cuanto a
- in spite of
- a pesar de
- in such a way that
- de modo que
- in that way
- de esa manera
- instead of
- en vez de
- maybe
- a lo mejor
- not to be up for jokes
- no estar para bromas
- not to exaggerate
- no ser para tanto
- of course
- por supuesto
- a menudo
- often
- on foot
- a pie
- on horseback
- a caballo
- handmade
a mano
- on the other hand
- por otra parte
- on time
- a tiempo
- once in awhile
- de vez en cuando
- provided that
- con tal (de) que
- therefore
- por lo tanto
- regarding
- con respecto a
- sometimes
- a veces
- standing
- de pie
- suddenly
- de repente
- that is why
- por eso
- to agree to
- convenir en
- to ask a question
- hacer una pregunta
- to ask for someone
- preguntar por alguien
- to ask for something
- pedir algo
- to be about, deal with
- tratarse de
- to be ashamed of
- estar avergonzado de
- to glad that
- alegrarse de
- to be in love with
- estar enamorado de
- to get accustomed to
- acostumbrarse a
- to begin to
comenzar a
empezar a
ponerse a - to complain about
- quejarse de
- to consent to
- consentir en
- to consist of
- consistir en
- to dare to
- atreverse a
- to delay in doing
- tardar en
- to depend on
- depender de
- to do again
- volver a
- to fall in love with
- enamorarse de
- to find out about
- enterarse de
- to finish
- terminar de
- to fire someone
- despedir a alguien
- to forget about
- olvidarse de
- to get angry with
- enojarse con
- to have just done
- acabar de
- to help
- ayudar a
- to hurry to
- apresurarse a
- to influence
- influir en
- to insist on
empeñenarse en
insistir en - to intend to do something
- pensar + inf (no prep)
- to become interested in
- interesarse por
- to invite to
- invitar a
- to keep
- quedarse con
- to laugh at
- reírse de
- to learn to
- aprender a
- to look for
- buscar (no prep)
- to major (specialize) in
- especializarse en
- to make an effort to
- esforzarse por
- to make fun of
- burlarse de
- to get married to
- casarse con
- to meet
encontrarse con - to notice
- fijarse en
- to refuse to
- negarse a
- to remember
- acordarse de
- to repent, regret
- arrepentirse de
- to say goodbye to
- despedirse de
- to stop to (do something)
- detenerse a
- to take for (not important)
- tomar por
- to teach to
- enseñar a
- to thank (someone for)
- agradecer (no prep)
- to think about
- pensar en, pensar de
- to try to
- tratar de
- to wait for
- esperar + noun (no prep)
- to worry about
- preocuparse por