socio exam
undefined, object
copy deck
- stereotype
- concious targeting of ling use, can target speakers on these
- markers
- clear social stratification, slight awareness, systematic syle shifting but not as concious as stereotype
- indicators
- unconcious, features of speech, only social class/group have these features
- dialect
- variety with distinctive local features, recognized by others can be standard or not standard
- accent
- phonetic representation of dialect, you can speak any dialect with an accent
- dialects of northern america
midatlantic, ENE, west
ongoing changes like northern cities vowel shift - northern cities shift
ae moved up, o took place
vowels rising
makes busses sound like bosses
ongoing in many areas - low back merger
makes cot/caught sound same
similar to merry/mary/marry - nation/state
one way to create a standard
creating perception of bounded community, people who talk the same part of same group, represents who has power, language allows distribution and diffusion of lang - dialectology
- study of regional varieties, emerged from study of lang change
- traditional dialectology
went from town to town and asked NORM (native old rural male) about lexical items
plotted responses on isogloss - labov martha vineyard
examined raising of PRICE vowel
showed that not linguistically conditioned--differences inter/intraspeaker depenendent on relation of living on MV, career
showed NOT free variation - marked vs unmarked
marked are the things about language that you recognize
unmarked are the typical
if you know the unmarked, you can conciously change into marked - motivations for variablity
fit in or be different
do what others value, avoid negative - variable
structure unit with many realized forms
example: ing variable has the in-variant and the ing variable
can control in contexts - basis of standard
- usually who has power, takes control & then this becomes emblatic, people look up to it
- vernacular vs standard
- vernacular are the varitiest of the standard, often looked at as derogatory
- pidgin
is a contact lang between two different languages who need to be able to contact each other
simple structure, lmited vocab/rules, only within one group - creole
what occurs after pidgin goes to next generation
becomes working complex language - creole continuum
made of substrate (smaller input language) and superstrate (bigger input language)
exists in contiuum because one language will be more dominant and therfore have either group understand it more or less - observers paradox
how when listening people are aware that you are listening and you cant take that out of the equation
particpant observation--become member of that community, but still never true member - language attitudes
assessment that speakers make about values of a language, reflect their views of the context associated with it
different forms:
attitudes to other langs, towards diff varities, words in interaction and accent - implications of attitudes
- develop lang, defines members of a speech group, can manipulte style to fit the attitutde, judgements of intelligence etc
- indexicality
- tied to social categotires, constructs of speakers, not stable and change over time
- linguistic relativism
structure influences what pay attention to, perception of world dependent on language
able to learn other perceptions