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cable modem
High-speed internet service that is run through your local cable companys lines to your computer
Dialup internet connection
DSL is a high speed internet line that runs through regular phone lines. also referred to as an "always on" connection because you do not have to disconnect from it in order to use your phone.
A system for sending and receiving messages electronically over a computer network, as between personal computers.
Someone who uses computers illegaly to get information or harm other computers
Home page
The opening or primary web page on an internet site
Hyper text markup laungage
The programming laungage used to create web pages
Internet account
What allows the user to get online. typically includes a login,password,and email address. set up through your ISP
a device that connects the computer to the internet via phone or cable lines.
A group of connected computers in either a LAn, or local area network, or WAN, or wide area network
Search Engine
A web site that searches the internet for specific info. By creating indexes, or large database of web sites, Search engines can find relevant web sites when users enter terms or phrase.
A computer that stores info. that can be accessed via the internet. when users connect to a server they can access programs, files, and other info. from the server. common servers are web servers, mail servers, and LAN server
Uniform Resource Locator a URL is the adress of a specific web site or file on the internet.

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