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H&N Muscles


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Elevates eyebrows and root of nose, wrinkles forehead
Draws scalp back, wrinkles back of head
Occipitalis - VII
Depress corner of mouth (frowning)
Depressor Anguli Ori - VII
Draws angle of the mouth upward nad laterally (smiling)
Zygomatic major - VII
Raises upper lip
Levator labii superioris - VII
Depresses lower lip
Depressory labii inferioris - VII
Elevates corner of the mouth
Levator Anguli Oris - VII
Closes the mouth and purses the lips in whistling or sucking
Orbicularis Oris* - VII
Aids mastication by pressing cheeks against teeth. Compresses cheeks during blowing
Buccinator* - VII
Closes the oribital opening and encourages flow of tears by helping to empty lacrimal sac
Orbicularis oculi - VII
Draws medial angle of eyebrow down
Procerus - VII
Compresses and widen anterior nasal aperature
Nasalis - VII
Widens nasal aperature
Depressor septi - VII
Draws corner of the mouth down, depresses mandible and tenses skin of neck
Platysma* - VII
Elevation of mandible. Retraction of mandible.
Temporalis* - V3
Elevation of mandible. Clentches Teeth. Protraction of mandible.
Masseter* - V3
Elevation and protrusion of mandible
Medial Pterygoid* - V3
Protraction, depression, and side to side movement of mandible
Lateral Pterygoid* - V3
Bilateral contraction: elevation of chin and flexion of the neck

Unilateral contraction: lateral flexion of the same side and rotation of the head to the opposite side

SCM* - XI and C2 and C3
Depression, retraction and steadying of hyoid bone
Omohyoid* - Ansa cervisalis; C1,C2,C3
Depression of hyoid bone
Sternohyoid* - Ansa cervisalis; C1,C2,C3
Depression of thyroid cartilage
Sternothyroid* - Ansa cervisalis; C1,C2,C3
Depression of hyoid bone and elevation of thyroid cartilage
Thyrohyoid* - C1 spinal nerve; anterior primary ramus
Raise hyoid bone and stead it. Open mouth and depress mandible
Digastric* - anterior belly (V3), posterior belly (VII)
Elevation of hyoid bone and tongue
Mylohyoid* - V3
Pulls hyoid bone aterosuperiorly
Geniohyoid* - C1 spinal nerve, anterior primary ramus
Elevation of rib 1. Felxion and roation of nect to opposite side
Anterior scalene* - C4,C5,C6 spinal nerve, anterior primary ramus
Elevation of rib 1. Flexion and roation of neck to opposite side.. (same as other one)
Middle Scalene* - Anterior primary rami of cervical spinal nervea
Elevation of rib 2. Flexion of neck
Posterior Scalene* - Anterior primary rami of cervical spinal nerves
Flexion of head on the atlas
Longus capitis* - Anterior primary rami of cervical spinal nerves
Flexion of neck. Slight rotation to opposite side
Longus colli* - Anterior primary rami of cervical spinal nerves
Extension, lateral flexion and rotation of the head and neck to the same side
Splenius capitis* - posterior primary rami of cervical spinal nerves
Elevates and retracts hyoid bone
Stylohyoid* - VII
Retracts and elevates the whole tongue
Styloglossus - XII
Draws upward and inward the lateral pharyngeal walls
Stylopharyngeus - IX
Protrudes tongue (stick it out)
Genioglossus - XII
Depresses tongue
Hyoglossus - XII
Extends head and rotates to same side
Rectus Capitis Posterior Major
Extends head
Rectus capitis posterior minor
Rotates head to the same side
Obliques Capitis Inferior
Extends head and lateral flexion to the same side
Obliques Capitis Superior
Elevation, adduction, nasalward
Superior rectus - III
Depression, adduction, temporalward
Medial rectus - III
Medial Rectus - III
Lateral rectus - III
Depression, abduction, nasalward
Superior oblique - IV
Elevation, abduction, temporalward
Inferior oblique - III
Elevates upper eyelid
Levator Papebrae Superioris - III
Elevates soft palate
Levator veli palatini - X
Tenses soft palate
Tensor veli palatini - V3
Elevate posterior part of tongue and draws soft palate down on tongue
Palatoglossus - X
Tenses soft palate and pulls walls of pharynx upward, forward and medially during swallowing
Palatopharyngeus - X
Protrudes tongue
Genioglossus - XII
Retracts tongue
Styloglossus* - XII
All elevate the larynx and pharynx during swallowing and speaking
Stylopharyngeus (IX), palatophyngeus (X), salpingopharyngeus (X)

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