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family violence part 1


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victims may experience
physical injuries
feelings of guilt
low self esteem
isolated and not trust anyone
may be dependent on abuser
may feel powerless to do anythings to change the situations
blame themselves for the violence
questioning their sanity

common characteristics of family violence offenders
majority is male-on-female
-may be extremely jealous and accuse partner of infidelity
-feels very poorly about himself and has low self esteem
-probably witnessed and/or was a victim of family violence as a child or young adult
-believes the males is the ruler of the house no matter what
-may act very differently in public than at home
-may be hateful and ugly to everyone
-unable to deal with stress

characteristics of family violence offender part 2
-uses sex aggressively to maintain power and control
some theories on the causes of family violence abuse
-it works to get the offender what he/she wants
-learned behavior
-sex role stereotypes
-stressors and lack of control

types of abuse often occurring in family violence
physical violence-most obvious any physical contact
-sexual abuse- forced sexual encounters, not allowing the use of birth control, forced sex with others or in inappropriate places or in front of children
emotional abuse
withholding affection
-ignoring for long periods of time
-verbal abuse
-destroying personal possessions

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