undefined, object
copy deck
- hole
- ã‚ãª
- to fix
- ãªãŠã™
- dust
- ã»ã£ã“ã‚Š
- completely
- ã™ã£ã‹ã‚Š
- so to speak
- ã¾ã‚‹ã§
- even
- ã•ãˆ
- in great numbers, many;
- ã‹ãšãŠãŠã
- life, people
- ã˜ã‚“ã›ã„
- gradually
- ã˜ã‚ã˜ã‚
- view of life
- ã˜ã‚“ã›ã„ã‹ã‚“
- to fall
- ã•ãŒã‚‹
- to get dirty
- よã”れる
- to go out, dissapear, vanish
- ããˆã‚‹
- intersection
- ã“ã†ã•ã¦ã‚“
- to judge
- ã—ã‚“ã•ï¼ˆã™ã‚‹ï¼‰
- a light
- ã‚ã‹ã‚Š
- to mix
- ã¾ãœã‚‹
- to move
- ã†ã”ã‹ã™
- preparation
- よã†ã„
- planning
- ã˜ã‚…ã‚“ã³
- quantity
- ã¶ã‚“りょ
- a repair
- ã—ã‚…ã†ã‚Š
- to be torn
- ã‚„ã¶ã‚Œã‚‹
- to be sold out
- ã†ã‚Šãれる
- to stand in line
- ãªã‚‰ã¶
- to submit
- ã¦ã„ã—ã‚…ã¤ï¼ˆã™ã‚‹ï¼‰
- to put in order
- ã¾ã¨ã‚ã‚‹
- traffic jam
- ã˜ã‚…ã†ãŸã„
- materials, data
- ã—りょã†
- office branch
- ã“むらã¦ã‚“
- perspective
- ã‘ã‚“ã‹ã„
- opinion
- ã„ã‘ã‚“
- belief
- ã—ょã—ã‚“
- clearly, plainly
- ã¯ã£ãã‚Š
- older
- ã¨ã—ãŒã†ãˆ
- to like
- ã“ã®ã‚€
- darkness
- ãらãŒã‚Š
- to order
- ã¡ã‚…ã†ã‚‚ん(ã™ã‚‹ï¼‰
- goods, articles,
- ã—ãªã‚‚ã®
- individualism
- ã“ã˜ã‚“ã—ã‚…ãŽ
- opposite
- ã¯ã‚“ãŸã„
- racial discrimination
- ã˜ã‚“ã—ã‚…ã•ã¹ã¤
- princess
- ã²ã‚
- beard
- ã²ã’
- attendance
- ã—ã‚…ã£ã›ã
- absence
- ã‘ã£ã›ã
- to summarize
- ã‹ã„ã¤ã¾ã‚€
- for now
- ã¨ã‚Šã‚ãˆãš
- groceries, food
- ã—ょãã‚Šã†ã‚‡ã²ã‚“
- to double
- ã°ã„(ã™ã‚‹ï¼‰
- around the world
- ã›ã£ã‹ã„ã˜ã‚…ã†
- ammount
- ã‹ãš
- problems like these
- ã“ã†ã—ãŸã‚‚ã‚“ã ã„
- freely, naturally
- のびのび
- adequately
- ã„ã‹ã‚“ãªã
- calm
- ã®ã©ã‹ï¼ˆãªï¼‰
- clear autumn day
- ã‚ãã³ã‚ˆã‚Š
- for a while
- ã²ã¨ã—ãã‚Š
- merchandise
- ã—ょã†ã²ã‚“
- person of another race
- ã„ã˜ã‚“ã—ã‚…
- antonym
- ã¯ã‚“ãŸã„ã”
- blood type
- ã‘ã¤ãˆããŒãŸ
- people
- ã‹ãŸãŒãŸ
- to post on a bulletin
- ã¯ã‚‹
- properly
- ã¡ã‚ƒã‚“ã¨
- to appologize
- ã‚ã‚„ã¾ã‚‹
- to guide, lead
- ã‚ã‚“ãªã„(ã™ã‚‹ï¼‰
- purpose
- よã†
- rent
- ã‚„ã¡ã‚“
- reputation
- ã²ã‚‡ã†ã°ã‚“
- to restrict, to limit
- ã›ã„ã’ん(ã™ã‚‹ï¼‰
- retest
- ã•ã„ã—ã‘ã‚“
- to run
- ãªãŒã‚Œã‚‹
- to settle down
- ãŠã¡ã¤ã
- sightseeing place
- ã‹ã‚“ã“ã†ã¡
- to slip, slide
- ã™ã¹ã‚‹
- to spill
- ã“ã¼ã™
- to stab
- ã•ã™
- to taste
- ã‚ã˜ã¿ï¼ˆã™ã‚‹ï¼‰
- the -- car
- --ã”ã—ゃ
- the other day
- ã›ã‚“ã˜ã¤
- including --
- --つき
- --- worth
- ---ã¶ã‚“
- conference room
- ã‹ã„ãŽã—ã¤
- information
- ã˜ã‚‡ã†ã»ã†
- staff
- ã—ょãã„ã‚“
- just now
- ãŸã
- gloomy person
- ãらã„ã«ã‚“
- to answer, to reply
- ã¸ã‚“ã˜ï¼ˆã™ã‚‹ï¼‰
- fault
- ã›ã„
- to change the subject
- ã¯ãªã—ãらã™
- of course not, not at all, by no menas
- ã¾ã•ã‹
- to hide
- ã‹ãã™
- gloomy face
- ãらã„ã‹ãŠ
- common
- ã‚ã‚Šãµã‚Œã‚‹
- time of year㬁season
- ã˜ã
- special marketing venue
- ã¨ãã›ã¤
- period, length of time
- ãã‹ã‚“
- to change one's clohtes
- ããŒãˆã‚‹
- shopping district
- ã—ょã†ã¦ã‚“ãŒã„
- pedestrian crossing
- ãŠã†ã ã‚“ã»ã©ã†
- to give someone a present
- ãŠãã‚‹
- to return
- ãŠã‹ãˆã—(ã™ã‚‹ï¼‰
- handmade
- 手作り
- failure, to make a mistake
- ã—ã‚…ã£ã±ã„(ã™ã‚‹ï¼‰
- each individual
- ã²ã¨ã‚Šã²ã¨ã‚Š
- to instruct
- ã—ã˜ï¼ˆã™ã‚‹ï¼‰
- club president
- ã¶ã¡ã‚‡ã†
- vice (president)
- ふく
- to raise (a child)
- ãã ã¦ã‚‹
- teaching materials
- ãょã†ã–ã„
- limit, expiration
- ãã’ã‚“
- to protect, defend
- ã¾ã‚‚ã‚‹
- to concentrate
- ã—ã‚…ã†ã¡ã‚…ã†ï¼ˆã™ã‚‹ï¼‰
- turn (eg.its your turn)
- ã¨ã†ã°ã‚“
- to nap
- ã„ãむり(ã™ã‚‹ï¼‰
- one's favorite
- ã»ã‚“ã‚ã„
- to distribute, pass ou
- ãã°ã‚‹
- hearth, open fireplace
- ã„ã‚ã‚Š
- married couple
- ãµã†ãµ
- memories
- ãŠã‚‚ã„ã§
- gratitude, thanks
- ã‚Œã„
- to be grateful
- ã‹ã‚“ã—ゃ(ã™ã‚‹ï¼‰
- to stand up
- ãŸã¡ã‚ãŒã‚‹
- each other
- ãŠãŸãŒã„
- to dash out
- ã¨ã³ã ã™
- to forgive
- ゆるã™
- to escape , run away
- ã«ã’ã‚‹
- to lose
- ã¾ã‘ã‚‹
- block, neighborhood
- ã¡ã‚‡ã†ãªã„
- to step out
- ã¯ãšã™
- adressee
- ãŠãã‚Šã•ã
- to say (humble)
- ã‚‚ã†ã™
- various
- ã¨ã‚Šã©ã‚Š
- cleaning chores
- ãã†ã˜ã¨ã†ã°ã‚“
- sign, notice
- ã‹ã‚“ã°ã‚“
- each
- ãã‚Œãžã‚Œ
- flag
- ã¯ãŸ
- restraint
- ãˆã‚“りょ(ã™ã‚‹ï¼‰
- aquaintence
- ãŠã—ã‚Šã‚ã„
- on your mark
- よーã„
- goal
- ã‚‚ãã²ã‚‡ã†
- to pick up
- ã²ã‚ã†
- to deliver
- ã¨ã©ã‘ã‚‹
- for some reason
- ãªã‚“ã ã‹
- to decline an invitation
- ã“ã¨ã‚ã‚‹
- desire, wish
- ãã¼ã†
- change
- ã¸ã‚“ã“ã†
- to excersize
- ãŸã„ãã†ï¼ˆã™ã‚‹ï¼‰
- destination
- ã„ãã•ã
- day trip
- ã²ãŒãˆã‚Š
- weekdays
- ã¸ã„ã˜ã¤
- to steal
- ã¬ã™ã‚€
- detailed
- ãã‚ã—ã„
- across from
- ã‚€ã‹ã„
- to get
- ã¦ã«ã„れる
- criminal
- ã¯ã‚“ã«ã‚“
- insurance
- ã»ã†ã‘ã‚“
- to apply
- ã‚‚ã†ã—ã“ã‚€
- fee
- りょãã‚“
- content
- ãªã‹ã¿
- documents, materials
- ã—ょるã„
- affair, issu
- ã‘ã‚“
- anyway
- ã¨ã«ã‹ã
- that day
- ã¨ã†ã˜ã¤
- atmosphere
- ãµã‚“ã„ã
- by means of --
- --ã«ã‚ˆã£ã¦
- smoking area
- ãã¤ãˆã‚“
- request
- ãã¼ã†
- to hand over, to pass, to give
- ã‚ãŸã™
- by mistake, against ones better judgement
- ã¤ã„