kim psych exam 1
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- Birth of Psychology
- 1879 Wilheim Wundt (German) father of psychology petitioned to have it be a separate discipline Physiology + Philosophy= Body + Soul
- Structuralism
- Edward Titchener Analyze consciousness into basic elements
- Introspection
- Element of structuralism Careful systematic observations of one's own conscious experience
- Functionalism
- William James Investigate function of consciousness Led to investigation of mental testing, developmental patterns, and sex differences
- Psychoanalysis
- Sigmund Freud (Austrian) Emphasis on unconscious processes influencing behavior Unconscious = outside awareness
- Freud's Ideas
- Behavior influenced by unconscious Unconscious conflict r/t sexuality plays a central role in behavior influence on psych, lit, art
- Behaviorism
- John Watson (US) Only what you could study or see Psych is scientific study of behavior: only what you can study or see Study of consciousness abandoned
- John Watson & Nature-Nurture
- NURTURE give me babies & I'll make them into whatever I want
- BF Skinner
- Free will is an illusion Environmental factors determine behavior Positve outcomes: repeated Negative outcomes: Not
- Humanism
- Opposes both psychoanalysis & Behaviorism Dehumanizing Maslow & Rodgers in the 1950's Optimistic: freedom & personal growth
- Applied psychology
- Everyday practical problems
- Clinical Psychology
- diagnose & treat problems WWII & the VA
- cognition
- mental processes involved in acquiring knowledge Application of scientific method to studying internal mental events Piaget, Chomsky, Simon
- Biological perspective
- behavior explainded in terms of physiological processes Olds, Sperry
- Cultural Psychology
- recognizes human variation 1980's: increased interest in how cultural factors influence behavior
- Evolutionary Psychology
- Human adaptation Natural selection occurs for behavioral as well as physical characteristics 1980's & 90's Mating preferences, jealousy, aggression, sexual behavior, learning, decision making, personlity & development
- Positive Psychology
- Martin Seligman Humanist concerns revisited Uses theory & research to better understand the positive creative and fulfilling aspects of human existence POSITIVE traits
- 7 major areas of research
- Developmental Social Cognitive Personality Psychometrics Physiological Experimental
- 4 major areas of applied
- Clinical Counseling Educational Industrial/Organizational
- 7 unifying themes
- Psych is empirical Psych is theoretically diverse Evolves in sociohistorical context Behavior is determined by multiple causes Behavior is shaped by cultural heritage Influenced jointly by heredity & environment People's experience of the world is highly subjective
- SQ3R
- Survey Question Read Recite Review
- Critical Thinking
- Purposeful, reasoned, goal directed thinking Involves: cognitive & emotional component
- Scientific method
- Formulate Select method & design Collect the data Analyze data & draw conclusions Report findings
- Correlation
- Correlation does not = causation Negative vs. positive correlation correlation coefficient closer to + or - 1 = stronger correlation, pos or neg
- Biases in Research
- Sampling bias Placebo effects Distortion in self-report data Experimenter bias
- Descriptive methods
- Naturalistic observation Case studies Surveys
- Action potential
- Shift in balance as positively charged sodium ions flow into negatively charged cell All or None
- Limbic system functions
- Parts of thalamus & hypothalamus; Hippocampus amygdala Experience of emotions, fear, pleasure centers "seat of emotion"
- Broca's area
- speech production
- Wernicke's area
- language comprehension
- medulla
- breathing & circulation
- pons
- sleep & arousal
- cerebellum
- fine muscle movement, balance
- thalamus
- relay center for incoming & outgoing signals
- hypothalamus
- regulates hunger, thirst, temperature control
- amygdala
- limbic: rage, emotions, aggression
- hippocampus
- limbic, learning & memory
- temporal
- hearing
- occipital
- vision
- parietal
- somatosensory
- frontal
- motor cortex
- prefrontal cortex
- executive control system