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233. Why was Canada important in the War of 1812?
British weakest there, Indian base unusual campaign in Canada. Three prong invasion.
235. What were the results from the attack on Fort McHenry?
Increased nationalism, won, British unable to take Baltimore.
237. What were the results of the Battle of New Orleans?
Andrew Jackson there, hodgepodge force, entrenchment, frontal assault, British most devastating defeat, after war.
237.The Resolutions of the Harford Convention
Federalists came, 1 term in office, no 2 presidents in a row from the same state, abolish 3/5th clause, 2/3rd vote in congress before embargo proposed, war declared, new state.
239. Global impact of the War of 1812
Side note, fighting napoleon, nationalism for us and Canada.
240. Reasons for nationalism after the war:
Unity was required to win, war heroes emerged, New Orleans.
242. Reaction to Clay’s American system:
Madison vetoed, protected tariff, network of roads and canals, strong banking system.
243. Cause of the Panic of 1819:
Overspeculation in west.
245. Results of Missouri Compromise:
No more slave land north of Mississippi south border, north and south ambivalent, Mississippi and Maine are added.
245. Who are the butternuts
Poor whites from south, who went west to escape plantation system.
247. Legal case that created Marshal’s quote, “The power to tax involves the power to destroy.”
McCulloch v. Maryland.
252. Reason Spanish sell Florida to us
Jackson had gone in a destroyed everything, Spain distracted by other countries, John Quincy stuck up for Jackson demanded concessions from Spain, we got Florida (abandoned claims to Texas).
253. Monroe Doctrine – basic tenants
No more colonization, no intervention.
256. According to the Russo-American treaty of 1824, what was the southern most limit of Russia in North America?
Southern tip of Alaska panhandle, 54 40.

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