Ch 11
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- 211- What was the greatest problem facing Adams and the federalists in 1800?
- Adams refused to fight France.
- 214- Who chose Jefferson as presdent in 1800?
- Slave owners and slaves – constitution gave white slave owners a bonas that helped Jefferson win.
- 217- What were the first thigns that Jefferson and the Republicans repealed?
- ???
- 218- Why did Jefferson and his followrs oppose the midnight judges?
- Judges are in for life, said that this was defiance of the people’s will.
- 218- How did Marchall's service at Valley Fore influence his later decisions?
- In valley forge he was impressed by the drawbacks of feeble central authority. This made him a federalist and always wanted to strength the central government.
- 218-lega precedent for judicial review? What event?
- The president is allowed to appoint judges, but he did them on his last day at 9pm, so they could not be rejected.
- 218- Marbury v. Madison
- Judicial Review
- 219- Effect of the failed attemt to impeach Samuel chase?
- The house voted for his impeachment but the Senate knew that he didn’t commit “high crimesâ€. Resulted in independence for the the judiciary and separation of powers.
- 219- Jefferson's first major foreign policy decision?
- Reduce military to a mere police force of 2.5k officers. This would set an example for the world by choosing a peaceful option over fighting.
- 219-220 Reason for the building of the 200 Jeffs
- Were quick to make, could travel quickly, and could make lots, but couldn’t travel the atlantic to Europe
- 224 aron burr- activities after killing Hamilton
- his political career died. Tried to separate the west from the US. Was arrested for treason, aquitted and fled for Europe.
- 225 Chesapeake incident- what happened
- The boat the Chesapeake was off the American shore when a British ship demanded the surrender of 4 sailors.
- 228 Macon's Bill number 2- particulars
- Macon's Bill Number 2, which became law on May 1, 1810, was intended to motivate Britain and France to stop seizing American vessels during the Napoleonic Wars. This bill was a revision of the original bill by Representative Nathaniel Macon, known as Macon's Bill Number 1. The law lifted all embargoes with Britain or France.
- 230 the arguments of tcumseh
- Shwanne brothers rejected all white man things, and the results of the battle of tipacanoe the governor of Indiana, Harrison, attacked Tecumseh . The Indians allied with the rbitsh but lost.
- Reason for madisons turning to war in 1812
- He saw it as ineviatable, restore confidence to the republican experiment,
- The role of the NE states in the war of 1812
- Probritish federalists sympathized with british and resented the republicans sympathy withnepolian. They need someone to sell product too.