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What was prvided by the constitution
What was not provided by the consitution what Washington had to create?
The cabinet
Intent of the bill of rights
To safeguard the American principals.
Guarantees of the bill of rights:
freedom, speech, religion, press, bare arms, tried by jury, assemble and petition government, no cruel and unusual punishment, arbitray search and seizure, state and peoples rights.
What were the parts of Hamiltons economic program?
Wanted the governments fiscal policies to favor the rich, who would then be happy and lend money to the government. Wanted to boost the national credit. Wanted congress to pay back the debts of the states. States with large debt (mass) liked this, but states that had been paying off their debt (VA) were less charmed.
Reaction to the proposed bank of the United States?
proposed by Hamilton, took model from the bank of England. Jefferson hated the idea, said it was not in the constitution. The bank was allowed by Washington. A huge crowd was there when it opened.
196- Reason for Whiskey Rebellion:
In Southwest Pennsylvannia peple saw whiskey as a necessity, not a privolity, and were upset by the tax.
197- Result of opposition by Jefferson and Madison to Hamilton's Plan:
Jefferson and Madison created opposition to Hamilton, known as the Democratic-Republicans or the Jacksonian Democrats later to be known as Democrats.
199- The Neutrality proclamation of 1793. Reasons.
America was very weak, feeble, both militarily and in the economy. And was politically disunited. Issued it when war broke out between Britain and France.
200- Results of the treaty of Greenville (involves indians)
Confederacy gave up large amount of land in the north west (Indiana and ohio) for 20k and an annual sum of 9k. Indians felt that it put some limits on the US’s decisions on them. Though an unequal relationship.
201- Results of Jay's Treaty
Americans had to pay back their debts to the British on pre-revolutionary events. Everybody was very angry. Every had to pay for it. Jerffersonian mobs “hanged burned and guillotined in effidy that “damned archtraitor, sir john jay” .
202- Primary issue of thedemocratic republicans in 1796:
Personalities. Adams- won, vs jefferson
203- Reasons for the collapse in foreign relations between the US and France in the 1790's.
French saw Jay’s Treaty as and alliance between America and their long time enemies, Britain.
203-204 What is the xyz affair? Results?
American envoys (of Adam’s) went to paris and were approached by three go-betweens. They demanded an unnatural loan of 32 million flourins. Plus a bribe of 250k for the privilege of talking with Talleyrand. They did not pay, because settlement was not guarantied.
205- What is the purpose of Alien and Sedition acts?
They raised restrictions on aliens (not the UFO kind, silly). This prevents new jeffersonians voting because that party appealed to them.
206- What was the compact theory?
Water can rise no higher than the source. Both Jefferson and Madison hated it.
207- What were the Federalists advocating?
The people. For strong central government.
208- What were the beliefs of advocated by the Jeffersonians?
Weak central regime, power to the states, power to the people. Not all the people, just for the people. Only literate, and were responsible citizens.

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