undefined, object
copy deck
- la amistad
- friendship
- el amor
- love
- el carino
- affection/love
- los celos
- jealousy
- la envidia
- envy
- el sentimiento
- feeling
- el/la companero
- classmate
- la esposa
- wife
- el esposo
- husband
- el hijo
- son
- el hijastro
- stepson
- la hijastra
- stepdaughter
- el marido
- husband
- la mujer
- woman, wife
- la novia
- girlfriend/fiance
- el novio
- boyfriend/fiance
- la pareja
- couple
- antiguo/a
- old,antique
- callado/a
- quiet
- celoso/a
- jealous
- duro/a
- hard
- egoista
- selfish
- envidioso/a
- envious
- infeliz
- unhappy
- reciente
- recent
- triste
- sad
- verdadero/a
- true/truthful
- abrazar
- to embrace
- aconsejar
- to advice
- alegrarse
- to be happy/glad
- amar
- to love
- aparecer
- to appear, to come into view
- besar
- kiss
- compartir
- to share
- comprender
- to understand
- disfrutar
- to understand
- enfadarse
- to get angry
- entretener
- to entertain
- esperar
- to wait for, to hope
- lavar
- to wash
- molestar
- to annoy, to bother
- pedir
- to ask (for)
- pelear
- to fight
- pensar
- to think
- perder
- to lose
- preferir
- to prefer
- preocuparase
- to worry
- prohibir
- to prohibit
- quejarse
- to copmlain
- querer
- to want, to love
- repetir
- to repeat
- reunirse
- to get together
- romper
- to break up
- salir
- to go out
- sentir
- to feel to be sorry
- a la vez
- at the same time
- a menudo
- often
- dar un consejo
- to advise
- dar un paseo
- to take a walk
- estar enamorado
- to be in love
- juntos/as
- together
- la mentira
- lie
- los demas
- the others, the rest
- ojala
- i/we hope
- poco a poco
- little by little
- tener razon
- to be right
- la verdad
- truth