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- Hispanic
- term used to describe people and cultures whose ancestry can be traced back to Spain, Portugal, and colonial rule in Latin America (i.e., those with European heritage
- Latino/a
- describes cultures that can be traced back to indigenous people (e.g., Aztecs, Incas, Mayas, etc.) of Latin America
- Greaser
- oily, dark-skinned, and mustachioed bandit who could be found casing mayhem from the early cinema period forward (Yosemite Sam)
- Latin Lover
- men and women of Latin American decent who were figured as more sensual and sexual that their North American counterparts-typically depicted as emotional and “hot-bloodedâ€
- Good Neighbor Policy
- a series of deferral initiatives and programs designed to recognized and celebrate U.S. ties with Latin American nations during the 1940s- inspired by need of U.S. to shore up relations with neighboring countries during WWII
- Spaghetti Westerns
- made in Italy but produced by Hollywood (Sergio Leon-director, who made Mexican bandito as villain and not Native American)
- Globalization-
- process by which people of the globe are unified into a single society
- Soft power of globalization-
- leading edge of the U.S. media technologies, which act as a conduit for its cultural exports
- Runaway production*-
- many U.S. film companies relocate production overseas to exploit cheaper labor, tax breaks, different labor laws, etc.
- Sexism-
- Belief that one sex is inherently superior to the other
- Sex-
- Biological or chromosomal make-up of human beings
- Gender-
- social, historical, and cultural roles that we think of as being associated with either the male or female sex
- Femininity-
- traditionally associated with being small, quiet, passive, emotional, nurturing, non-aggressive, dependent, and weak
- Masculinity-
- traditionally defined as being loud, large, active, possessing non-emotional aggression and strong leadership abilities
- Vamp
- stereotype begins to calcify in 1910s- dark, exotic sexually active woman often of another race, ethnicity, or nationality portrayed as a predatory monster who drains men o their money and morals
- flapper
- - defined by a rejection of Victorian notions of femininity Flappers most often young, urban, career-woman who smoked, danced in public, and even had sex out of wedlock
- blonde bombshell
- (Monroe, Mansfield, etc.) women who are able to stop men their tracks- curvaceous and alluring, but not very bright
- homosocial groups
- spaces and activities devoted to a single sex Bonding in these groups usually negotiated through competition and aggression
- Stars-
- mythic (yet entirely manufactured) icons who epitomize certain aspects of gender, beauty, sexuality, race, and class⬦Offscreen persona overshadows onscreen persona
- film noir
- depicted heightened sense of masculinity in crisis Noir centers on men who feel trapped by their social and economic situations
- Sexploitation cinema
- arises as a consequence- defined by large amounts of female nudity and simulated sex scenes
- - sexuality
- – refers to one’s sexual behavior or sexual orientation.
- o Sexual orientation
- the deep-seated direction of one’s erotic attractions and desires
- o Heterosexism
- belief that heterosexuality should be celebrated and privileged because it is the only normal sexual orientation.
- ⬢ Transgendered
- people who may feel as they are born into the wrong body, whose gendered identity does no match their outward biological sex (historically referred to as transsexuals in medical industry – a term which many in the community object).
- ⬢ Transvestite
- person who derives pleasure from cross-dressing (importantly, not all Transgendered people are transvestites and vice versa).
- ⬢ Intersexed
- people who biologically exhibit sex organs and/or sexual characteristics of both sexes.
- are two main models of sexual orientation:
- biological,social constructionist
- sexual orientation: biological
- which means that sexuality is hardwired from birth
- sexual orientation: social constructionist
- , implying that people are shaped into heterosexuals, homosexuals, or other sexualities.
- o Homophobia
- extreme hatred, fear, and bigotry toward non-heterosexuals.
- o Queer
- a term that refers collectively to all of the various non-procreative identities.
- o Pansy stereotype
- male homosexual coded effeminate, typically made manifest by men acting like women
- ⬢ Connotative Homosexuality
- implying sexual orientation rather than stating it outright – specific formal codes and stereotypical markers developed to help audiences identify certain characters as gay. • Villains, criminals, and monsters often depicted as sexual perverts.