Knowledge Bowl- Medical People
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- Elizabeth Blackwell
- 1849, 1st US woman doctor
- Charles Drew
- Black US physician, researched blood plasma, set up blood banks
- Alexander Felming
- Discovered penicillin in 1928
- William Harvey
- English scientist who discovered how blood circulates.
- Edward Jenner
- English scientist who performed 1st vaccination against smallpox, on James Phipps in 1796
- Hippocrates
- Greek physician, "Father of Medicine". Inspired the Hippocratic Oath, ethical code of conduct.
- Robert Koch
- German physician who established bacteriology as a separate science, found the germ that causes TB.
- Karl Landsteiner
- American scientist who classified human blood into 4 types.
- Louis Pasteur
- French "father of Bacteriology", killed microbes by heat (pasteurization) and saved French wine industry.
- Jonas Salk, Albert Sabin
- Found polio (poliomyelitis) vaccines