Knowledge Bowl Anatomy
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- Cranium
- Bones on top of the head
- Zygoma
- Cheekbone
- Maxill
- Upper jaw
- Mandible
- Lower jaw
- Clavicle
- Collarbone
- Scapula
- Shoulder blade
- Sternum
- Breastbone
- Vertebrae
- Spinal column bones
- Coccyx
- Tailbone
- Femur
- Thigh bone
- Tibia
- Shinbone
- Patella
- Kneecap
- Carpi
- Wrist bones
- Phalanges
- Finger/toe bones
- Tarsi
- Ankle bones
- Buccal
- Related to the mouth
- Dorsal
- Related to the back
- Lingual
- Related to the tongue
- Nephritic
- Related to the kidneys
- Ossiferous
- Related to the bone
- Otic
- Related to the ear
- Pectoral
- Related to the chest/abdomen
- Renal
- Related to the kidneys
- Tarsal
- Related to the foot/ankle
- Ventral
- Related to the belly
- Adam's apple
- Protuberance formed by the thyroid cartilage of the larynx
- Ailmentary canal
- Long tube in teh human body through which food passes and is digested
- Aorta
- Longest and largest artery. Carries blood from the heart
- Bile (gall)
- Greenish-yellow substance produced by the liver that aids digestion in the duodenum
- Endocrine gland
- Releases hormones directly into the bloodstream
- Exocrine gland
- Releases its chemicals through a duct into a nearby organ
- Larynx
- Voice box that holds the 2 bands of cartilage called the vocal chords
- Periosteum
- Tough membrane containing bone-forming cells and blood vessels
- Plasma
- Liquid part of blood
- Semicircular canal
- Any of the 3 curved tubes in the inner ear responsible for the sense of balance.
- Tendon
- Tough fibrous tissue connecting muscle to bone (except in heart).
- Villi
- Fingerlike projections in the small intestine that add to its absorptive surface
- White blood cells (leukocytes)
- Cells helping the body fight disease.
- Pulp; dentin; enamel
- Innermost layer of tooth; Hard yellow substance surrounding the pulp; The body's hardest substance, covers the dentin
- 4 types of teeth
- Incisors (main teeth used to bite, canines/cuspids (used to tear off pieces of food), premolars/bicuspids (teeth with 2 pts, grind and crush food, between molars and canines), molars (back teeth that grind food)
- Milk/Deciduous teeth
- Teeth that fall out early on and are replaced by permanent teeth.
- 3 little bones of middle ear: English and Latin
- Hammer (malleus), anvil (incus), stirrup (stapes)
- Eustachian tube; eardrum (tympanic membrane); cochlea
- Narrow canal connecting pharynx to middle ear; thin membrane separating middle from outer ear; spiral shaped cavity of the inner ear (Latin for snail)
- 4 human leg bones
- femur (thigh bone- longest and strongest bone in body), patella (kneecap), fibula, tibia (shinbone)
- 3 human foot bones and quantity
- Tarsals (anklebones: 7), metatarsals (instep bones: 5), phalanges (toe bones: 14)
- 3 bones in human hand/ number
- carpals (wrist bones: 8), metacarpals (palm bones: 5), phalanges (5)
- 3 bones of human arm (all meet at elbow)
- Humerus (upper arm), ulna, radius (lower arm)
- 3 types of muscle
- skeletal (attached to bones), smooth (involuntary mvmt), cardiac (only in heart)
- 5 excretory organs (SKILL)
- skin, kidneys, intestines, liver, lungs
- 5 largest organs
- skin, liver, brain, lungs, heart
- Sclera (sclerotica), conjunctiva, iris, pupil, cornea, retina, vetreous humor, lens
- Tough 'white' fibrous outer membrane covering most of eyeball, holding shape. Membrane covering sclera Round, pigmented- around pupil, behind cornea Circular opening in iris Transparent tissue making outer part of eyeball, covering iris/pupil Light-sensitive membrane lining inner eyeball turning visual into electrical signals. Clear substance inside eyeball Transparent part between iris and vitreous humor focusing light rays on retina.
- 3 parts of small intestine
- Duodenum, jejunum, ileum
- Nephron, urea, ureter
- Small filtering units of kidneys; Nitrogen waste filtered out of blood; Duct carrying urine from kidney to bladder
- # of bones/#of permanent teeth
- 206, 32
- MMR vaccines
- Measles, mumps, rubella
- diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), tetanus (lockjaw)
- Mononucleosis, hemophilia, tuberculosis nicknames
- "kissing" disease, "Royal" disease (blood doesn't clot normally, hereditary), "consumption
- Blood types ,least to most common
- AB, B, A, O
- 4 parts of blood
- Plasma (fluid), red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes), platelets
- Cerebrum; cerebellum; brain stem (3 main brain divisions)
- Biggest part, center of thinking/feeling; balance/coordination; connects cerebrum to spinal chord
- Pituitary
- Master gland, at base of the brain. Releases hormones, including HGH (human growth hormone).
- 4 chambers of heart
- Right and left atrium (auricle, on top), right and left ventricle (bottom)
- Larynx; trachea; halitosis
- Voice box, windpipe, bad breath
- Parts of ailmentary canal
- Esophagus (food tube, pharynx to stomach), small intestine (absorbs nutrients), large intestine (from ileum to rectum)
- 5 most common elements in body
- O, C, H, N, Ca
- Adrenal gland
- Releases adrenaline (epinephrine) to stimulate "fight or flight" response.