Ron Wright Test 3
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- Discrepancies w/ Great Britain after 1812 solved
- peacefully
- Bagot Agreement
- disarmament both sides, border drawn for Canada
- Consequences of the Napoleonic War
- Spain was weak, its colonies want independence, republics stamped out in Europe
- John Quincy Adams' opinion on military alliance w/ Great Britain
- NO-we'll be dragged into European Wars
- Benefits of military alliance w/ Great Britain
- prevent tampering w/ spanish colonies
- Monroe Doctrine
- No more new colonies in America from European countries, no meddling in Western affairs
- Hamilton's ideas
- Increase army size, increase navy, National Bank, and increase tariff on foreign goods
- The increase of the standing army caused the creation of
- West Point
- Hamilton's ideas came from the...
- Federalist party
- To be admitted as a state congress had to pass
- enabling act
- Missouri Crisis
- Free or slave state?
- Tallmage Ammendment to Missouri
- Free state, no more slaves brought in, slave kids at 25 are free
- Tallmage Ammendment pass/fail
- House-yes, Senate-no =FAIL
- The Missouri Compromise
- Henry Clay - Missouri and Maine join at the same time
- Missouri Compromise Line
- drawn to the west, N must be free, S may be slave
- Plantation System produced
- Cash crops
- Sea Island Cotton
- area unique
- Upland Cotton
- can be grown everywhere
- To save seedy upland cotton
- Whitney invented the cotton gin
- South Economic Sectionalism
- King Cotton, slavery, upland cotton demands textile mills
- Cotton was ___ amount of exports from US
- 2/3
- West Economic Sectionalism (Old NW)
- Subsistance farming, commercial farming
- Corn was grown for
- whiskey only, rotted too fast
- NE Economic Sectionalism
- Manufacturing, textile mill
- Transportation Revolution
- Steamboat, Erie canal
- Robert Fulton
- Steam boat
- Erie Canal
- 363 miles Albany to Buffalo, built by NY'ers
- Era of Common Man
- Self-made man
- More democratic
- White male suffrage, all white men must vote
- vox populli, vox dei
- the voice of god is the voice of the people
- 1824 Election
- No one gets a majority vote => house of reps
- 1826 Anniversary
- July 4, Declaration of Independence
- B/c of no majority vote who supports adams
- Henry Clay, and Andrew Jackson gets pissed off
- American System
- Henry Clay - make economic sectionalism hold the country together
- Am. System - NE Manufacturers
- raise tariff on imported goods
- A. System West
- Tax NE & S to create roads "internal improvements"
- Am. System Solution 3
- Recharter the National Bank
- What passed of the Am. System
- Only the Tariff - Tariff of Abominations in the S
- Election of 1828 Adams blamed as
- an elitist, and gave a 13 yr old girl to a pedophile czar
- Election of 1828 Jackson blamed as
- a murderer and adulterer (killed 2 men in duels)
- Jackson pres in 1829
- first pres. of the common man, self-made, misspelled words, saved the white house w/ beer
- jefferson philosophy
- state-level power
- spoils system
- rotate out employees of opposing views
- jackson first to veto
- clay's internal improvements
- 1830 Indian Removal Act
- Passed by Jackson, cherokee land bought and they're moved
- cherokee that stayed
- 1/2 adopted white culter, some had slaves
- Gold on cherokee land
- state of georgia vs. cherokee nation, not fair, executive branch not very happy
- Results of georgia Vs. Cherokee nation
- US signed treaty w/ Cherokee, trail of tears
- "Nullification idea"
- John C. Calhoun, states can null parts of federal law
- Jefferson Birthday Dinner 1830
- Jackson puts down Nullification idea
- Calhoun resigns as VP because of
- sex scandal
- 1832 Tax increased to
- 50%, shuts out all foreign trade
- Convention in Charleston
- tariff "nulled" threatens to secede
- 1833 Clay gets congress to
- lower tariff to 20%
- Jackson picked his successor
- Martin Van Buren
- National Republicans
- Whigs
- Whigs
- recharter clay's american system, jackson haters
- Whigs put harrison up in a what campaign
- log cabin - common man, war hero
- Harrison's ticket balanced w/
- Tyler (hated jackson)
- Harrison died
- after 1 month, stupid long speech
- Tyler
- no american system, 2nd veto prez
- Great American Desert
- Migration W to Oregan and California leaving a huge gap
- 98 degree Line
- 20" line - rainfall
- To keep TX, Mexico
- opens it to anglos under Mex Rule
- Yellow Rose of Tx
- Emily Morgan
- Santa Anna signs independence treaty for Tx upon capture
- Mexican government rips it up
- Great Britain offered what to Tx
- military alliance
- Tyler negotiates treaty w/ Tx
- Senate kills treaty, whigs vote no (slave state)
- Manifest Destiny
- John O'Sullivan
- James Polk elected 1844
- Old Hickory
- Joint resolution for Tx
- Mexico breaks diplomatic relations w/ US
- Polk first ___ pres
- dark hourse, compromise candidate
- Oregan Treaty ends up
- cut in 1/2
- John Slydell
- went to Mexico to negotiate purchase of Tx and Ca
- Gen. Zach Taylor
- ordered to march to the rio grande and plant the US flag
- In response to US flag in the Rio Grande
- Mexicans retaliate w/ 2x force, and lose 2 battles
- Mexican war
- lost by mex b/c of corruption
- Stubborn mexico won't surrender in Mexican war
- Taylor sent to take monterrey, Scott to take Mexico city
- When scott takes Mexico city
- he's offered presidency of Mexico
- Trist wanted treaty in Mex City but was moved to
- Guadalupe Hidalgo