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Test #2


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4 steps of Moral Enterprise Campaign
1) Raise Awareness 2) Moral Conversion 3) Claims Elevated to Norm 4) Rules Applied Unequally
Moral Entrepreneurs -
the ones that construct and make sure that we always have a constant supply of deviance. Manufacture and try to “sell” their ideas of deviance so society.
o Crusading Reformers
– similar to moral entrepreneurs but have a religious slant to their claims. Like to manufacture Folk Devils (Becker).
o Folk Devils
– usually a stereotype about a particular deviant kind of person. Ex. Drug dealer, petafile…..
- Two major players in the campaign
o Rule Creators ⬢ People who create deviance by making or helping to make rules. This is where the rules and laws come from. Ex. Govt, MADD, religious groups. o Rule Enforcers ⬢ The people that carry out the consequences when a deviant act is created. Ex. The government, police, medical professionals
1) Raising Awareness
a. Where the moral entrepreneurs try to get others to listen to what they are saying. Attempt to show others that a certain deviance/social problem pertains to them.
3 tactics to raisin awareness:
Danger messages, testimonials of experts, and rhetoric
i. Danger messages
- Messages meant to scare people/instill fear into society. If people are scared, they will listen. This tactic is very useful. Ex. Smoking in public – danger messages such as second hand smoke dangers can scare people. (smokers and non smokers)
ii. Testimonials of experts
– Use the testimony of experts to support their claims. If an expert is telling us it is dangerous, it will scare us even more. Ex. Doctors, professors, ex-deviants (drugs/alcohol)

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