Aeneid Chacacters
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- Aeolus
- God of the winds, who home was in Aeolia
- Acestes
- Mythacal king of Sicily
- Achates
- A faithful companion of Aeneas, often associated with the adj. fidus
- Achilles
- (also called Pelides, son of Peleus). Greakest of the Greek heros at Tory. He was finally slain by an arrow aimed at his heel.
- Aeneas
- son of venus and anchises hero of the Aeneid
- Ajax
- 1. Son of talemon, greek hero who contened with ulysses for the arnms of Achilles 2. son of Oileus, greek hero who abducted Cassandra from Minerva's temple. As a punishment the goddess destoryed his fleet
- Anchises
- Father of Aeneas
- Andromache
- Wife of hector, the trojan hero
- Anna
- sister of Queen Dido
- Antenor
- A trojan who, after the capture of troy, went to Italy and founded Patavium, later called Padua
- Ascanius (also called Iulus)
- Son fo Aeneas, King of Latvium, founder of Alba Longa
- Atrides
- Sonf of Atreus, King of Mycenae, referring either to Agamemnon or Menelaus, the leaders of the Greek at Tory. In plural, Atrides refers to both sons of Atreus
- Augustas Caesar (formally Octavianus)
- Emperor of Rome from 30 BC to 14 AD. This periiod is known, in history, as the Augustan Age, in literature, the Golden age.
- Calchas
- A priest and prophet of the Greeks at Tory
- Camilla
- a Volscian warrior maiden, ally of Turnus
- Cassandra
- Daughter of Priam. King of Troy; loved by Apollo and endowed by him with the gift of prophecy. Later, snce she didnt return his love, Apollo decreed that no one should ever believe her prohecies, even though they were true.
- Cerberus
- The three headed dog that guarded the entrance to the underworld
- Charon
- the ferryman of the underworldm who conveyed the souls of the dead across the river Styx
- Creusa
- Daughter of Priam; wife of Aeneas
- Cyclops
- a member of a race of one-eyed giants who lived in Sicily
- Daedalus
- An athenian artisan who built the famous Labyrinth for King Minos of Crete. He was later imprisoned in the Labyrinth, from which he escaped to Cumae with the aid of wings fastened on with wax
- Dardanus
- Ancestor of the Trojans; hence the word Dardani, the trojans
- Dido (also called Elissa)
- Founder and Queen of Carthage
- Diomedes (also called Tydides, son of Tydeus)
- A famous Greek warrior at Troy
- Evander
- King of Pallanteum, ally of Aeneas
- Ganymedes (Ganymede)
- A trojan youth, known for his beauty, who was carried off by an eagle to be the cupbearer of Jupiter
- Hector
- The eldest son of Priam; the most valiant warrior of the Trojans. He was slain by Achilles, who dragged his body three times around the walls of Troy
- Hecuba
- Wife of Priam
- Hlena (Helen of Troy)
- daughter of Jupiter and leda; wife of the spartan king, menelaus. Her abduction by Paris, son of Priam, brought on the trojan war.
- Juturna
- Sister of Turnus
- Laocoon
- Son of Priam; priest of Apollo. he opposed dragging the Wooden Horse into Troy, and drove a spear into it. These actions offended Juno, who sent two serpants to kill him and his two sons.
- Latinus
- King of Latinum, who befriended Aeneas
- Lavinia
- daughter of King Latinus; second wife of Aeneas
- Marcellus
- Son of Augustus' sister Octavia. His untimely death prompted the will-known passgae in Book iV of the Aeneid.
- Menelaus
- King of Sparta; Husband of Helen of Troy
- Mezentius
- An exciled king of Eturia; ally of Turnus. He was slain by Aeneas
- Minos
- King of Crete. After his death, a judge in the underworld.
- Orestes
- son of agamemnon. He killed his mother, Clytemnestra for having murdered his father.
- Palinurus
- Pilot of Aeneas;s ship and of the enture Trojan fleet
- Pallas
- King Evander's son; ally of Aeneas. He was slaim by Turnus
- Paris
- Son of Priam. Juno, Minerva, and Venus selected him to judge which of the three was the fairest. Paris chose venus, and in return recieved Helen.
- Priamus (Priam)
- The last king of Tory, slaim by Pyrrus
- Pygmalion
- brother of dido. He killed Dido's husband, Sychaeus
- Pyrrus (also called Neoptolemus)
- son of Achilles. After the Trojan war, he founded the kingdom of Epirus. He was slain by Orestes.
- Romulus
- son of mars, twin brother of Remus; the mythacal founder of Rome
- sibylla (Sibyl)
- A prophetess; refers especially to the Sibyl at Cumae, priestess of Apollo, who confucted Aeneas through the underwould.
- Sinon
- A Greek spy who induced the Trojans to drag teh wooden Horse into Troy
- Sychaeus
- the husband of Dido; treacherously slaim by Dido's brother, Pygmalion
- Teucer
- Founder of the trojan line, hence the word Teucri, the trojans
- Tithonus
- Brother of Priam; husband of Aurora, goddess of the dawn
- Turnus
- King of Rutulians; slain by Aeneas in single combat
- Apollo
- God of sun, prophecy, music (lyre), and medicine. It is his association with oracles, particulary at Delphi in Greece and at Cumae in Italy, thjat Apollo figured most prominently in teh Aenied. He was the twin brother of Diana.
- Aurora
- Goddess of the dawn
- Bacchus (Dionysus)
- God of wine, whose worship was accompanied by wild orgies.
- Ceres (Demeter)
- Goddess of agriculture; mother of Proserpina. A temple in her honor at troy is mentioned in the Aeneid
- Cupid (Eros, or Amor)
- God of love, son of Venus
- Cybele
- a Phrygian goddess, known as the Magna Mater of the Romans.
- Diana (Artemis)
- Goddess of moon and hunting
- Eumenides (Furiae)
- The 3 furies: Alecto, Tisiphone, and Megaera, who dwelt in the underworld. They subject to the will of the gods. In one instance in the Aeneid, Alecto ais Juno in her plan to invovle the trojans in war with the Latins.
- Hercules (Alcides)
- A demigod, known for his gigantic stregth and for the Twelve Labors imposed upon him by King Eurystheus. After successfully completing these tasks, he was released from the servitude of Eurystheus
- Iris
- Goddess of the rainbow; messenger of Juno
- Janus
- Roman god of Doorways and beginning, represented with one head but two faces. Hsi temple at rome was open during war, but closed in time of peace.
- Juno (hera)
- Queen of gods; wife and sister of Jupiter (zeus). Her love of carthage and anger at the judgement of the trojan Paris made her the archenemy of Tory.
- Jupiter (Zeus)
- King of all the Olympian gods; son of saturn. he was all-powerful, influencing the affairs of gods and of men with tremendous effect. His weapons were teh lightening and the thunderbolt, forged by Vulcan. His armor-bearer was the eagle. In the events leading up to the Trojan War, Jupiter discreetly refused to act as judge in the famous beauty contest; he delegated that office to Paris.
- Lar (lares)
- Household god who, with the Penates, Presided over the fortunes of the house.
- Mars (Hermes)
- Messenger of the gods,; represented with winfs and winged animals
- Minerva ( Pallas Athena)
- Goddess of wisdom, the houseold arts, and warfare. Partial to the Greeks, she helped them build the Wooden Horse, by means of which they captured Troy
- Neptune (Poseidon)
- God of the sea; brother of Jupiter. He could calm the sea or ride over its waves in his chariot. The symbol of his power is the trident.
- Parcae
- The 3 fates, personified as sister: Clotho- who spun the thread of human life; Lachesis- who measureed out each mortal's portion, and Atropos- who cut the thread
- Penates
- household god who, with the Lares, presided over the fortunes of the house
- Pluto (Hades)
- King of the underworld, husband of Proserpina
- Proserpina (persephone)
- carried off by Pluto, she became his wife and queen of the underworld. She was the daughter of Jupiter and Ceres.
- Saturn (Cronus)
- A very ancient ruling divinity, father of Jupiter, by whom he was dethroned. Was also regarded as the god of harvest.
- Titan
- any one of the twelve children of Uranus and Ge (Heaven and Earth), who warred unsuccessfully against Jupiter.
- Venus (aphrodite)
- Goddess of love and beauty. As mother of Aeneas and as the goddess favored by the trojan Paris in the famous beauty contest, she was friendly roward the Torjans. In the Aeneid, Venus often appears, sometimes in disguise, to aid Aeneas
- Vesta (Hestia)
- Goddess of the harth. In the Aeneid, Aeneas carres her statue and her worship from Tory. A temple in her honor at troy is also mentioned in Book2.
- Vulcan (Hephaestus)
- God of fire, husband of Venus. In the aeneid, he forges the thunderbolts of Jupiter and the shielf of Aeneas.