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Ind Society


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Define Sociology
scientific study of human society and social interactions
sociological imagination
awareness of relationship between individual and wider society. C Wright Mills
August Comte
founder of sociology. developed positivism
Emile Durkheim
produced first true sociological study. more socially integrated less suicide.
4 types suicide
altruistic. egoistic. anomic. fatalistic.
moral obligation, kill yourself instead of giving info
lonely, little connection
confusion. disorder. stock market crash
powerless. life overly regulated. death row
WEB DuBois
founded NAACP
Harriett Martineau
hid writings under sewing
Max Weber
Vershem. impathetic insight (understanding)Max WeberThe notion that social reality can be discovered only by seeing the world empathetically through the lived experiences of people.
survival of the fittest
Herbert Spencer
Jane Adams
hull house. place for poor sick old. won Nobel Peace Prize
Karl Marx
capitalists Bourgeoise (rich)vs. proletariats (poor)
conflict theory
always struggle for power. macro. unfair
everything balanced, serves purpose. created by Rober Merton. manifest-intended. latend-unintended. dysfunctional-bad
Symbolic Interaction
use symbols in society. George Herbert Mead

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