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sat II math 1


undefined, object
copy deck
integers are
whole #s
exponential growth:
Sn= first term - nth term
divided by
1 - ratio between consecutive terms
union of elements (U)
elements that are in either or both
intersection of elements (N)
common to both sets
relative primes
have no prime factors in common
the "part" keywords
the "whole" keywords
percent formula
part= percent x whole
to increase a # by a percent
add percent to 100, conver to decimal, and multiply
finding the original whole
ex. 25 percent increase over x is 1.25x.
part to part ratios
each # in original ratio over the sum of the #s
average speed!
average speed= total distance / total time

v= d/t
value that appears most often
favorable outcomes/ total possible outcomes
inverse variations

k is constant
distance formula
d= square root (x1-x2)2 + (y1-y2)2
midpoint formula
(x1 + x2 / 2) , (y1 + y2 / 2)
exterior angles of a triangle
are equal to the sum of the remote interior angles
the 3 exterior angles of a triangle add
up to 360 degrees
triangle inequality theorem
the length of 1 side of a triangle must be greater than the difference and less than the sum of the other two sides
30-60-90 triangle
x: x (radical 3) : 2x
45- 45- 90 triangle
x: x: x(radical 2)
interior angles of a polygon
sum of angles = (n-2) x 180

n is # of sides
circumference of cirlce
C= 2 pie r
area of circle
pie r squared
area of a sector of circle
(n / 360) (pie r squared)
surface area of rectangle solid
SA= 2lw + 2wh + 2lh
volume of recntagular solid
V= lwh
volume of cylinder
v= (pie r squared) x h

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