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chpt 8


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antigen processing
degradation of protein antigen into peptides by sequence of everts
type of antigens that mhc 1 - binding fragments are derived from
PATHWAY that endogenous proteins go through to be degraded/presented
type of antigen from which mhc 2-binding fragments are derived
self-mhc restriction
an attribute that allows both types of T cells to recognize Ag only if its presented on SELF mhc
experiment to prove self-mhc restriction
1. incubate macrophages w/ antigen
2. Mix pulsed cells with T cells from Same, Different, or Heterogen. animals.
Same = activated
Heterogen = activated
Different = no activation
Target cells

-cells w/ peptide display assoc. w/ MHC1 and CD8+ Tc cells

-cells w/ peptide display assoc. w/ MHC2 and CD4+ Th cells
distinguishing feat. of APC
-express MHC2

-deliver co-stim signal
Professional Ag-presenting Cells:
Dendritic, Macrophages, B lymphocytes
Dendritic cells
most effective APCs
-constitutive high expression of MHC2

-can activate NAIVE Th
baseline level of MHC expression in APCs
dendritic = HIGH, costim active too

macrophages = low, need both activated

B cells = higher, but need costim activation
what cells function as TARGET cells
nearly all nucleated cells
multifunctional protease complex that can degrade ubiquitin-protein conjugates (proteins labeled for degradation)
increased levels of which interferon induces proteasome subunits? FOR which MHC do the subunits generate antigen fragments? which pathway of degradation is this?


-cytosolic pathway
chemically, what type of residues are on the ends of protein fragments that bind MHC 1?
basic or hydrophobic terminal residues.

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