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Zang Fu Theory Quiz III


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Clinical Manifestations:
Group 1
- Palpitations
- Suffocating sensation in the chest

Group 2
- Shortness of breath (esp on exertion)
- Excessive perspiration (in daytime)
- Symptoms worse after exertion or when ti
Heart Qi Xu
CLinical Manifestations
Group 1 - Heart Symptoms
Group 2 - Qi Xu
Tonify Heart Qi
Heart Qi Xu
Treatment Principle
UB-15: Ht Back-Shu
Ren-14: Ht Front-Mu
HT-7: Yuan-Source point of Ht Channel
PC-6: Regulate Ht Qi
Ren-17: Meeting point of Qi: reinforces Zong Qi
Ren-6: Tonifies Qi
ST-36: reinforces ST & SP (source of Qi & Xue): reg
Heart Qi Xu
Clinical Manifestations:
Group 1
- Palpitations
- Shortness of breath
- Excessive perspiration (daytime)
- Facial pallor - bluish

Group 2
- Cold limbs (4 limbs)
- Aversion to cold

Group 3
- Cy
Heart Yang Xu
Clinical Manifestations
Group 1 - Heart Qi Xu signs
Group 2 - Cold signs
Group 3 - ...
Warm & tonify Heart Yang Qi, regulate Blood
Heart Yang Xu
Treatment Principle
UB-15: HT back-shu
Ren-14: HT front-mu
HT-7: Yuan-source of HT channel
PC-6: Regulates HT Qi
HT-5: Regulate HT Qi (bradycardia & arrhythmia)
Ren-6: Tonify Qi & Yang (moxa)
Ren-17: Qi Meeting point (Zong Qi)
Heart Yang Xu
Clinical Manifestations:
- clinical manifestations of HT Qi Xu or HT Yang Xu

- Patient must have a history of at least several months of Heart Yang Xu

- All 4 limbs cold
- Excessive Cold Sweat

- Shallow breathin
Heart Yang Xu Exhaustion
Return Yang & Relieve Collapse
Heart Yang Xu Exhaustion
Treatment Principle
Ren-8: Moxa salt & ginger slice
Ren-4: Rescue Yang Qi (moxa)
Ren-6: Rescue Yang Qi (moxa)
PC-6: Rescue Yang
HT-7: Yuan-source of Heart
Heart Yang Xu Exhaustion
Clinical Manifestations:
Group 1
- Palpitations

Group 2
- Insomnia
- Much Dreaming
- Poor memory
- Dizziness

Group 3
- Irritability
- Anxiety
- Easily Startled

Group 4
- P
Heart Xue Xu
Clinical Manifestations
Nourish Heart Blood & Calm Heart & Shen.
Heart Xue Xu
Treatment Principle
UB-15: HT back-shu
Ren-14: HT front-mu
HT-7: HT yuan-src
PC-6: Calms HT & Shen
UB-17: Meeting point for Blood
Ren-4: Meeting of 3 leg Yin. Tonify Yin & Blood
SP-6: Tonify Blood & Yin
Heart Xue Xu
Clinical Manifestations:
- Palpitations

- Insomnia
- Much dreaming
- Poor memory

- Irritability
- Easily startled

- Low grade fever
- Night sweats
- 5 palms heat
- Malar flush

Heart Yin Xu
Clinical Manifestations
Tonify Heart Yin, Clear false heat, Calm Shen
Heart Yin Xu
Treatment Principle
UB-15: HT back-shu
Ren-14: HT front-mu
HT-7: HT yuan-src
PC-6: Calms shen
SP-6: Nourish Yin & Calm Shen
HT-6: HT Xi-cleft (acute HT points)
PC-5: Clears internal heat & calms shen (Luo point)
Heart Yin Xu
Clinical Manifestations:
- Irritability, irascibility
- Insomnia

- Thirst with a desire for cold drinks
- Feels warm
- Constipation
- Yellow Urine
- Flushed Face

T: Red Tip
P: rapid
Heart Fire Flaring Up
Clinical Manifestations
Clear Heart Fire & Calm Shen
Heart Fire Flaring Up
Treatment Principle
Clear heat, Resolve Phlegm, Calm Shen
Phlegm-Fire Disturbs Heart
Treatment Principle
HT-7: HT yuan src
PC-6: Calms shen
PC-8: Cools HT & drains heat
PC-5: Resolves Phlegm & calms Shen
ST-40: Resolves phlegm
Du-26: Clears senses, calms shen, cools heat (electricity)
Du-20: Clear senses &
Phlegm-Fire Disturbs Heart
Clinical Manifestations
- Mental Confusion
- Clouding of consciousness
- Talking to oneself
- Odd behavior
- Dull face, pale complexion
- Oppressive sensation in chest
- Nausea/Vomiting
- Sound of phlegm in throat
Phlegm Confuses Heart Orifice
Clinical Manifestations
Resolve Phlegm & Open the Orifices
Phlegm Confuses Heart Orifice
Treatment Principle
Four Gates

Phlegm Confuses Heart Orifice
Group 1
-Chest Pain
-Sufficating sensation in chest

Group 2
-Maybe stabbing pain in the anterior region over heart
T: Purple spots or purple body
C: Not important
P: Choppy & Thin or Intermi
Obstruction of Heart Channel
Clinical Manifestations
Group 1 - General
Group 2 - Blood Stagnation
Group 3 - Phlegm Stagnation
Group 4 - Cold Obstructing
Group 5 - Stagnation
Eliminate stagnation, Unblock channel, & Invigorate Blood.
Obstruction of Heart Channel
Treatment Principle
UB-15: HT back-shu
Ren-14: HT front-mu
PC-6: Relieve pain & regulates HT Qi
UB-17: Blood Meeting Point (move blood)
Ren-17: Reinforce Zong Qi thus blood movement
HT-7: HT yuan-src
Ear: shenmen
Yin Tang: calms shen
Obstruction of Heart Channel
Clinical Manifestations
- Urination short, dark, difficult & painful
- Hematuria
- Irritability
- Ulceration & erosion of mouth & tongue (heart heat)
- Dry Mouth
- Desire for cold drinks
- Fullness &
Small Intestine Shi Heat
Clinical Manifestations
Clear heat from Small Intestine & promote urination.
Small Intestine Shi Heat
Treatment Principle
Ren-3: UB front-mu
UB-27: SI back-shu: hematuria
ST-28: regulate water passages
SP-6: 3 leg Yin (promotes urination)
LIV-2: Lower Jiao Heat
HT-8: HT ying-spring
SP-10: regulates blood (if bleeding)
Ren-4: SI front-mu
Small Intestine Shi Heat
-Distention & pain in hypochondriac area
- -Lots of distention - perhaps no pain
- -Pain may move
-Oppressive sensation in chest
-Tendency to sigh
-Easily Angered
-Maybe plum pit qi
Liver Qi Stagnation
Clinical Manifestations
Smooth liver qi & eliminate stagnation
Liver Qi Stagnation
Treatment Principle
Yin Tang:
LIV-3: LIV yuan-src
LIV-14: LIV front-mu
LIV-13: SP front-mu: pain in chest
Ren-4: menses
SP-6: irregular menses , dysmenorrhea
UB-18: LIV back-shu
Ren-17: Qi Meeting point (
Liver Qi Stagnation
PC-8: PC ying-spring cools HT and drains heat
PC-9: Clear heat, calm shen
HT-9: Clear heat, calm shen
PC-7: Clear heat from HT & calm shen
Er Jian: ear apex - clear heat
PC-6 & HT-7: Pacify HT and calm shen
An Mian:
Heart Fire Flaring Up
Clinical Manifestations:
Group 1:
- Irritability
- Insomnia

Group 2:
- Incoherent speech
- cry/laugh w/o reason
- Manic Agitation w/ irrational behavior
- May physically attack or abuse others

Phlegm-Fire Disturbs Heart
Clinical Manifestations

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