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World Geography: C2 Physical Geography Terms


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A huge, moving mass of ice.
What is a Glacier? p.15.
A flat, sandy area where a river enters an ocean.
What is a Delta? p. 15.
A way to draw the curved areas of the earth on a flat surface.
What is a Map Projection?
p. 15.
Related to regions near the equator, a tropical climate is very warm and moist.
What is Tropical? p. 15.
A resource that can be replaced as it is used.
What is a Renewable Resource?
p. 15.
A resource that cannot be replaced by natural resources or is replaced extremely slowly.
What is a Nonrenewable Resource? p.15.
Explains subject of map & tells what information it conveys.
What is the Map Title?
Gives cardinal or secondary directions on a map/globe.
What is a Compass Rose?
Words or phrases explaining features of map.
What are Labels?
Lines of latitude and longitude which form intersecting lines on maps and globes
What is a Map Grid?
The ratio between a unit of length on a map and unit of distance on earth.
What is Scale?
Represent real objects/ activities (i.e., capitals, boundaries, economic activities & natural resources, etc.
What are Symbols?
Represents information by color on legend
What is Color-coding?
Ways of showing the curved surface of Earth on a flat map with minimal distortion
at equator and edges
What are Projections?
A projection showing the shortest distance betw. two points by a straight line.
What is a Planar Projection?
A projection of a map onto a cone; used to showlandmasses extending over large area East to West.
What is a Conical Projection?
Projects map onto a cylinder;
best for specific areas.
What is a Compromise Projection?
The shapes of continents distort at poles & compress at equator.
What is a Mercator Map?
Divides oceans with accurate shapes & sizes but not distance
What is an Homolosine Map?
Used in Textbooks; shows entire Earth w/ nearly true sizes & shapes of continents
What is a Robinson Map?
Shows types of landforms and bodies of water found in a specific area.
What is a Physical Map?
Maps showing man-made features on the earth's surface.
What are Political Maps?
Focus on specific types of information.
What is a Thematic Map?
Maps using colors, symbols, dots, or lines to help you see patterns related to specific data
What are Qualitative Maps?
Maps presenting information about a country based on a set of data other than land area.
What are Cartograms?
Maps showing the movement of goods, ideas, animals, or even glaciers using a series of arrows to show location, direction & scope of movement
What is a Flow-Line Map?
30 degrees N. is the point farthest North where the sun shines directly overhead at 12:00 noon.
What is the Tropic of Cancer?
30 degrees S. is the point farthest South where the sun shines directly overhead at 12:00
What is the Tropic of Capricorn?
The day on which the sun's rays shine directly overhead.
What is the Solstice?
This marks the shortest day of the year.
What is the Summer Solstice?
This marks the longest day of the year.
What is the Winter Solstice?
Twice a year when days and nights all over the world are equal in length.
What is the Equinox?
This marks beginning of spring and autumn.
What is the Autumnal Equinox?
& What is the Vernal Equinox?
Land on the Leeward side of a mountain which gets little rain from the descending dry air.
What is the Rain Shadow effect?
Types of Precipitation
What are Convectional, Orographic, and Frontal.
Hot climates use convection to heat warm, moist air in morning producing clouds & rain in afternoon.
What is Convectional Precipitation?
In mountainous areas the clouds rise up the windward side, drop rain, and pass over to leeward side without rain
What is Orographic Precipitation?
Mid-Latitude storms feature cold dense air masses that push lighter warm air masses upward creating precipitation
What is Frontal Precipitaion?

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